activity (IMA) or aircraft intermediate maintenance
department (AIMD). The supervisor can use this report
to check for potential or an actual not in stock (NIS)
With this report, the supervisor can
determine which items have been in an NIS situation
for a number of days because of repair requirements.
The stock control and AIMD officer should review this
report to determine the required action as follows:
. Parts are on order to repair the item and a
follow-up is required.
. Repair efforts should be terminated; the item
should be processed as beyond capability of
maintenance (BCM).
. The allowance quantity should be increased.
When the stock control and AIMD officer
determines the required action, the supervisor must
ensure the actions are carried out to the letter.
The Stores Account Material Management
Afloat/Ship Authorized Levels (SAMMA/SAL)
provides the data necessary to evaluate the activitys
inventory position. This report provides information
to alert managers to take the following actions:
The need to review stock replenishment policies
Initiate cancellation requests
Perform stock offloads
Correct erroneous conditions in the stock records
The SAMMA/SAL report is produced according to
the policies established by the type commander. Refer
to NAVSUP P-567 for detailed procedures concerning
The Supply Effectiveness Report measures the
supply departments success in material support. This
report contains performance analysis for the last
reporting period (month). The supervisor can use this
report to improve material availability. Using the
applicable data in this report, the supervisor can ensure
that the following actions are taken:
. The not carried (NC) nonstandard items are
being reviewed for substitutes from standard material
. The NC standard items are being validated for
acceptable substitutes carried in stock
. The demands showing in the not in stock (NIS)
column has been verified by the storeroom supervisor
The low-net effectiveness means the depth of stock
is insufficient. To improve this situation, a review of
demand history processing parameters is required.
The low-gross effectiveness means that the range
of stock is insufficient. To improve this situation,
ensure the changes to the allowances are posted.
All naval activities and units that are responsible for
maintaining stock records are required to establish an
inventory program. The inventory program established
by DODINST 4140.35 consists of four distinct
functions. These are the location survey, physical
inventory, location reconciliation, and quality control
The location survey is the physical validation, other
than the actual count, of the assets in the storage location
with the data on stock records. This function ensures
that all assets are properly recorded as to the location,
material identification, condition, and unit of issue.
The location reconciliation is the process of
matching records of the stock point with the naval
inventory control point (NAVICP) or item manager.
This process allows correction of unmatched
information between the stock point and NAVICP or IM
records. Location reconciliation is scheduled by the
NAVICP and performed jointly by the stock point and
The physical inventory is the process of physically
counting the items of stock in the location to verify the
quantity (stock balance). A physical inventory consists
of counts, post-count validation, preadjustment
research, and causative research.
The quality control checks are statistically valid
samples of those physical inventory and physical
distribution functions that affect stock point record
accuracy. These checks are used as a management to
identify trends and resolve problem areas. The
NAVSUPINST 4440.184 establishes policy and
procedures for quality control.
The policy, procedure, and performance objectives
for the physical inventory program ashore are described
in NAVSUPINST 4440.115. The physical inventory
program for Navy-owned material carried by units that
use the Supply Uniform Automated Data Recessing
System-Real Time (SUADPS-RT) is described in