Both the stock points and NAVICP perform
inventory control tasks, but only stock points actually
maintain an inventory.
IMs at the NAVICP are
responsible for procurement of specific items and
positioning of these items in stock points to satisfy
worldwide demand. The IM centrally manages these
items for the customers. The managers in the stock
points are responsible for local inventory management
to support local demands.
The NAVSUP designates ashore Navy stocking
activities (stock points) after coordination with affected
commands and activities that receive support. The fleet
commanders and type commanders designate afloat
stocking activities.
The NAVICP provides the authorized allowance for
repair parts and equipage requirements to ships,
squadrons, or shore activities, Repair parts that are
needed to support aviation weapons systems are listed
in the activitys Aviation Consolidated Allowance
List (AVCAL) or Shorebased Consolidated Allowance
List (SHORCAL). As a senior AK, you are responsible
for ensuring that the items in stock are properly
Some of the common terms used in inventory
management are described in the following paragraphs.
You should familiarize yourself with these terms.
. BouncebacksThe procedure used when the
stock point is notable to fill the requirement referred by
the item manager.
l Classified itemsMaterials that require
protection in the interest of national security, Refer to
the Department of the Navy information and Personnel
Security Program Regulation, OPNAVINST 5510.1.
l Consumer level of inventory-An inventory,
regardless of funding source and usually of limited
range and depth, held for the sole purpose of internal
. Controlled inventory itemsMaterial having
characteristics that require special accounting, security,
or handling. These materials are categorized as
classified and sensitive items.
. Intermediate level of inventory-An inventory,
regardless of funding source, that is required between
the consumer and wholeale levels of inventory. Its
purpose is to support a defined geographic area.
Intermediate level of inventory may also be held for
tailored support of specific consumer organizations or
l Operating site-Any activity, either afloat or
ashore, authorized to stock in a retail-level (consumer
or intermediate) inventory.
. Pilferable itemsMaterials having a ready
resale value or application for personal use and,
therefore, subject to theft.
. Retail inventory-Materials held below the
wholesale level in either consumer or intermediate
l Retail inventory stocking activity-Any activity
authorized to stock items in retail-level inventory.
l Sensitive items-Materials that require a high
degree of protection and control. Some examples of
these items are narcotics, precious metals,
ammunitions, explosives, and so forth.
. Wholesale inventoryMaterials under the
control of an inventory manager that are required to
meet worldwide inventory requirements.
Effective inventory management depends upon
personal involvement by supply managers and
supervisors in performing supply functions. Several
material management functions performed in different
areas in supply directly affect inventory. These include
the following functions:
Allowance list maintenance
Issue processing
Receipt processing
Physical inventory count and reconciliation
Stock record maintenance
Several files are used in inventory management.
Some of these files areas follows:
. Material files-Those files maintained to
manage items in stock or to record demand data. Under
the Supply Uniform Automated Data Processing
System-Real Time (SUADPS-RT), the primary
material file is the Basic Material File (BMF).