. Requisition filesA record of all requisitions
submitted by the activity or supported units. In
SUADPS-RT, the Basic Requisition File (BRF)
contains records of requisitions submitted into the
supply system.
. Financial filesData needed to prepare
financial inventory or other required reports.
. Transaction filesFiles used in automated
systems to hold transaction records for further
processing or producing reports.
. History filesA complete history of supply
processing, yet limit the size of some active files. In
automated activities, history files are normally
maintained on tapes and are not available in on-line
. DLR Carcass tracking filesTransactions and
information concerning the shipment of NRFI DLRs.
l Expenditure invoice filesThe original or copy
of each expenditure document prepared by the activity.
. Issue pending filesA copy of each material
request forwarded to storage for off-line processing.
l Proof of delivery fileThe signed copy of all
documents for material issued.
. System output files-Reports produced by an
automated system.
These reports are printed on
computer paper and filed separately in an appropriate
binder or cabinet.
Automated files are maintained by entering the
record(s) in the computer in an interactive or batch
processing method. The interactive processing
method is performed by using the computer function
via the data entry screen to input records in a
manual format.
Batch processing is normally
accomplished by using a magnetic tape record format.
Some of the records that are batch processed are as
. Management data reconciliation. At least
annually, ships submit the request for records
reconciliation to NAVICP-Mechanicsburg (formerly
WCC). The NAVICP-Mechanicsburg in turn provides
a tape of change notice actions tailored to the activitys
. Annual price change tape is provided by
NAVICP-Mechanicsburg to update the prices of items
in the stock records.
l The Recording Demand Data function allows
transfer of internal demand data to the demand history
Refer to the automated operating procedures used
in your activity for additional information concerning
batch processing.
The reports produced in inventory management are
used for reviewing the stock posture. Some of the
reports list the transactions that affect the change of
stock inventory.
Although very few AKs may be
assigned to review and act on the management reports,
you should know the purpose of these reports. Some of
the reports that the AK may review areas follows:
The Fixed Allowance Management Review
(FAMR) Report allows specified afloat activities to
review the allowance quantities of repairable items.
The FAMR uses the latest average monthly demand to
compute the amount of stock required based upon the
past demand. Supervisors should review this report for
items that qualify for allowance change. Change of
allowance requires submitting the Allowance Change
Request-Fixed (ACR-F) form based on the supply
officer or type commanders criteria.
The AVCAL/COSAL Analysis Report provides a
detailed list of all items stocked to support a specific
allowance listing. Supervisors can use this listing to
verify that new equipment, repair parts, and required
consumable items are on hand or on order. This report
is also used to get detailed information on items being
listed with a low support on the AVCAL/COSAL
Percentage Report.
The AVCAL/COSAL Percentage Report provides
a summary of stock on hand and on order by Allowance
Parts List (APL) and Repairable Identification Code
(RIC). The report lists the percentage of on hand, on
hand greater to or equal than the reorder point (RP), and
on hand plus on order equal to or greater than the RP
This report also shows the number of stock records
supporting the APL or RIC. Supervisors should review
this report upon completion of demand processing and
the associated automatic reorder. Refer to
AVCAL/COSAL Analysis Report to find detailed
information about an item on this report.
The Awaiting Return from AIMD Report is a daily
cumulative listing of repairable items that was turned-in
for repair and not yet returned to supply. These are items
inducted for repair to the intermediate maintenance