provided includes the ARR list and component code or
demand indicator, separately identified AVCAL,
demand and ARR quantities, assets on hand, unit price,
and extended price. Where an item has multiple ARR
applications, it will be identified by MULT in the ARR
field. The listing is to be used as a point of departure in
requirements negotiations.
l The Net Requirements Report is a listing
produced upon completion of override processing.
This report is arranged in NIIN sequence within the
ARR list axle. When assets appear on the SAVAST,
this listing represents deficiencies. Where no assets
appear, the listing represents the total AVCAL quantity.
The data elements provided in this listing include the
ARR list code, NSN, unit of issue, requirement
(represented by a deficiency), unit price, extended
deficiency values, Julian date, and serial number. Line
item and dollar value summaries are printed for each
ARR list code.
. The Excess Material Listings are multiple
listings in NIIN sequence within the MSP category and
in NIIN sequence within the ARR list code of all
OPSITE on-hand assets that exceed authorized OSI
retention limits. It is important to note that stock dues
are not considered in the determination of the ships
material excesses. The data elements provided in this
listing include the NSN, unit of issue, on-hand quantity,
AVCAL requirement, excess quantity, unit price, and
excess value. Line item and dollar value totals are
provided for each ARR list code.
. The AVCAL Final Allowance Report is a listing
of all items considered in the AVCAL less zero
allowance candidates. This report is in NIIN sequence
and is produced upon completion of override
processing. The data elements include ARR
list/component codes, NSN, unit of issue, ARR
quantity, final AVCAL quantity (that is, the preliminary
net plus override decision), demand quantity, and
on-hand quantity.
l The Interchangeability Reports are multiple
listings tailored to the AVCAL containing carried items
cross-referenced to interchangeable items as found in
NAVICP-Phil technical files. These reports are
sequenced by the NIIN, part number, and family group
code. Data contained in these reports include the
AVCAL NSN, registered alternate(s), family group and
relationship codes, CAGE, and part numbers.
The SHORCAL is a requirements list that identifies
the quantity of material required to support planned
operational and maintenance missions at an operational
site. The purpose of the SHORCAL is to provide
optimum supply support and aircraft operational
readiness in a peacetime environment, unless otherwise
specified in the WSPD. The SHORCAL is normally
associated with consumer level support for DLR and
FLR items. However, the SHORCAL will include both
consumable and repairable allowances when initial] y
established for an operating site. Unless otherwise
requested, subsequent SHORCALs will only
recommend consumable requirements for new aircraft
or weapons systems.
The NAVICP-Phil is responsible for the develop
ment and maintenance of SHORCAL in support of the
operating sites. The SHORCAL includes support of the
station aircraft, engines, support equipment, and other
additional requirements that are approved and funded
in the applicable WSPD. The SHORCAL does not
include ordnance end items (4Z Cog) or items listed in
the NAVAIR 00-35QH-2 instruction as authorized
organizational level spares.
The requirements for SHORCAL are determined as
described in the following paragraphs.
Repairable Items
Allowances for aircraft and equipment that meet the
protect criteria are obtained from the applicable ARR.
In some cases, the item may apply to more than one
ARR that provides a protected quantity. In this case,
optimize the ARR quantity by adding all the protected
attrition quantities together and then divide the sum by
2. Compare the result to the largest individual ARR
protected attrition quantity. Select the larger of the two
as the attrition protect quantity. Use the same
optimization to the protected LRCA quantities. Add
the optimized attrition and LRCA quantities to
determine the total protected allowance.
When computing the nonprotected aircraft/systems
allowances, refer to the procedures described in
enclosure 2 of FASOINST 4441.16.