l provide aviation ordnance gun and missile
employment information to the NAVICP-Mech
according to the AVCAL schedule.
. Issue AVCAL directives for each ship to be out-
fitted. The directives provide the following information
The identification and number of all aircraft
and engine models to be supported
Rejected monthly flying hours for each
model aircraft/engine
Engine and airframe ARRs to be used in the
item selection process
Designation of aircraft/systems to be
protected from constraint action with
supporting rationale
. Issue validated IMRL to NAVICP-Phil listing
end items of SE.
. Include a validated AECL with the outfitting
directive. Make sure that AECL site validation is
performed against the latest master AECL as provided
by the NAVICP-Phil.
NOTE: The AECL is issued as part of the
outfitting directive. It is given to the functional wing or
squadron for validation and is then returned to the
TYCOM for further validation. The TYCOM then
sends the validated AECL to NAVICP-Phil for material
. Provide representation for participation in the
AQRC. The major areas of review include the
Negotiation of repairable fixed allowances
as required
Consideration of interchangeability data
Historical demand data from the ship
Not mission capable supply/partial mission
capable supply (NMCS/PMCS) require-
Approved changes to the maintenance plan
affecting AVCAL-supported weapons
All quantities in excess of 99
All items with a unit of issue other than each
Navy Stock Account/Defense Logistics
Agency (NSA/DLA) items with unextended
deficiency value of over 0.
l Advise the NAVICP-Phil as soon as possible of
deckload changes and negotiate AVCAL modifications
as late changes may dictate.
Ships. When directed by the TYCOM, the ship
provides NAVICP-Phil with the SAVAST extraction of
data from the master record file (MRF) in the format
outlined in enclosure 1 of FASOINST 4441.15.
Additional responsibilities of the ship areas follows:
. Advise NAVICP-Phil 60 days before the review
of those items that have been selected for the local repair
cycle asset (LRCA).
l Validate onboard general-purpose electronics
test equipment (GPETE) through the tailoring of the
IMRL. Forward results of validation to NAVICP-Mech
requesting production of a COSAL supplement.
. Notify NAVICP-Phil via message of the
requisition drop date subsequent to receipt of final
products, but at least 1 week before the drop date.
l Provide representation for participation in the
AQRC. The representative will provide the preliminary
fixed allowance package, all associated BCM and repair
data, all maintenance data to substantiate any claims of
discrepancy, justification for existing/forecasted
maintenance capability, TAT substantiation, and a
current individual component repair list (ICRL). All
LRCA items to be negotiated are substantiated by
activity usage data.
forward the aviation ordnance (AVORD) to
NAVICP-Phil via tape 55 days before the scheduled
AQRC date. Upon receipt of the GPETE deckload from
the ship, Mechanicsburg will prepare a COSAL
For GPETE validations submitted
subsequent to COSAL supplement cutoff, individual
APLs will be identified and forwarded to the applicable
ship. A cover letter is provided to specify the purpose
for which the APLs are forwarded.
PHILADELPHIA. The NAVICP-Phil is responsible
for the following actions:
. NAVICP-Phil will negotiate AVCAL schedules
with the cognizant TYCOMs approximately 6 months
before the beginning of each fiscal year, with updates
as they occur.
. Upon receipt of the outfitting directive,
NAVICP-Phil will verify deckload and projected flying
hours with the weapons system planning document