to store data that may be required to respond to
NAVICPs follow-up inquiry. The primary data in the
CTRF is the proof of turn-in or shipment of DLR
carcasses. The CTRFs established in other activities
may vary according to the operating system being used.
Normally, records are established in the CTRFs when a
customer submits a DLR requisition citing an exchange
advice code. Under mechanized procedures, the CTRP
records are established on the file via the mechanized
Master Repairable Item List (MRIL). The records in
mechanized procedures are updated with shipping data
input by shipping personnel. User activities using the
manual method develops the local procedures for
maintaining and using the CTRF. User activities use
the information in the CTRF to respond to the
NAVICPs follow-up inquiries.
This record contains information on receipts of NRFI
DLRs from user activities. The records of receipt also
include the corresponding issue when the NRFI DLRs
are transshipped to the DRP/DSP. Some transshipper
activities are also the DRP/DSP, in which case the NRFI
DLR is taken up in F condition stock. These
transactions are recorded in the transshippers CTRF for
reply to potential BK5 follow-up from the NAVICP.
Transshipper activities respond to the follow-up by
using the BK6 document.
Carcass Tracking Documents
When a transaction remains open in the NAVICPs
CTR after the specified time frame, the NAVICP
initiates a carcass tracking action. The first transaction
the NAVICP sends is the BK1 follow-up inquiry to the
requisitioner when the NAVICP CTR shows NRFI DLR
turn-in is outstanding. The requisitioner is required to
respond to the BK1 by submitting a BK2 document
indicating the status of the NRFI DLR turn-in.
Depending upon the response code on the BK2
document, the NAVICP CTR may close the record or
process an additional billing.
If the NAVICP rejects the BK2 from the activity,
the NAVICP will create a new document (BKR) with
an appropriate reason code in record position 65. The
BKR document is used by the NAVICPs to reject BK2
documents submitted by an activity for which neither a
record of receipt nor shipment of an NRFI DLR is
recorded. Consequently, the NAVICP will send the
BKR document to the applicable activity.
If the activity does not provide an acceptable reply
to the BKR, the NAVICP will send a BK3 document to
the activity. A BK3 is a notification of additional
billing for the carcass value of the NRFI DLR. The
activity may respond to the BK3 document with a BK2
reply if proof of NRFI DLR turn-in can be established;
if not, the additional charge will stand.
The additional billing may be reversed by the
NAVICP. If the NRFI DLR turn-in has been made, the
NAVICP may process a reversal to the BK3 and notify
the applicable activity. In this case, the NAVICP sends
a BK4 (reversal of the additional billing notification)
document to the applicable activity.
Carcass Track Aids
The automated supply system provides listings,
printouts, and reports that help in the carcass tracking
of DLRs. Since procedures change, you should
familiarize yourself with the most updated versions and
formats of these materials. Some of these carcass
tracking aids are described in the following paragraphs.
an activity using the automated system, an external
carcass tracking starts when a DLR is issued to a
requisition with an exchange advice code. The referral
of a DIU requisition (DI A0_) with an exchange advice
code will also start external carcass tracking.
If the activity makes the issue to a supported unit
(DI X31), the activity will be tracked for the carcass. If
the issue is made to a nonsupported unit (DI X34), this
unit or the supporting receiving activity for the unit will
be carcass tracked.
When the issue or DTO requisition documents are
processed, they will create a record for Report 57 in a
DI B7A format. Report 57 is submitted to the NAVICPS
monthly. The B7A document will not process to the
Report 57 until the corresponding DTO receipt (DI
X71) is processed. The B7A document will start the
carcass tracking at the NAVICP Philadelphia and
NOTE: For DI X34, the receiving activitys unit
identification code (UIC) will be in the B7A for the
NAVICP to carcass track the receiving activity and not
the issuing activity.
When you process a DI X31 or A0_ (DTO)
transaction, a BCM counter will be set in the com-
puter system and a skeletonized BCM data will be
The skeletonized BCM data must be
updated by you with firm shipping data and reinput to
the computer. When the BCM is reentered to the
computer, it will clear the BCM counter and record a