drawdown requisition for each type of allowance is
described in the next paragraphs.
Drawdown Requisitions for AVCAL
The central outfitting funds are charged for
drawdown requisitions of the initial or increase in
AVCAL allowances of NSA DLRs. After converting
to end-use, drawdown requisitions are submitted to
NAVICP-Phil. Submit requisitions using demand code
N, signal code C or L, advice code 5D, and fund code
QZ for 7R Cog items. Requisitions for APA DLRs
must cite demand code N, advice code 5D, and fund
code Y6. Submit requisitions for APA DLR items via
normal requisitioning channels.
Drawdown Requisitions for SHORCAL
The drawdown requisitions for initial or increased
SHORCAL allowances for NSA DLRs are chargeable
to central outfitting funds held by NAVICP-Phil.
Submit drawdown requisitions to NAVICP-Phil with
demand code N, advice code 5D, and fund code QZ for
7R Cog items.
Drawdown requisitions for APA and 0_ Cog DLRs
must cite demand code N and advice code 5D. Use the
fund codes with the appropriate cognizance symbol.
Use fund code 26 in requisitions for APA DLR items.
Use fund code Y6 in requisitions for interim support
(0_ Cog) DLR items.
Maintenance Assist Modules
The items designated as Maintenance Assist
Modules (MAMs) for aviation applications are not
included in the activitys AVCAL or SHORCAL as part
of fixed allowance. Most MAMs are 7R Cog items and
are used as support equipment, Initial outfitting of
MAMs are identified through the AVCAL or
SHORCAL process at NAVICP-Phil. The MAM
requirements are pushed by NAVICP-Phil and are
centrally funded at NAVICP-Phil by central outfitting
funds. The supply officer receiving the initial outfitting
MAMs pushed by NAVICP-Phil must issue them on
custody of the Intermediate Maintenance Activity
(IMA). Replacement of a MAM DLR can be
accomplished by using the normal requisitioning
procedures. The policy and procedures for MAMs are
described in FASOINST 4790.1.
Test Bench Installation
The items designated as test bench installation
(TBI) are similar to those black boxes installed in
aircraft for which the test bench is designed to test and
check. The TBI items are identified during the AVCAL
or SHORCAL process at NAVICP-Phil, but they are not
included as part of the fixed allowance. The initial
outfitting requirements for TBI items will be pushed by
NAVICP-Phil to the activity. Upon receipt of TBI items
by the activity, the supply officer assigns their custody
to the IMA. Items designated as TBI are not carried in
the stock record of the supply department.
Turn-in of DLRs because of excess in allowance,
NRFI retrograde, or material transfers must be
processed properly.
Improperly processed DLR
turn-ins can delay carcass processing and affect
readiness because of a decrease in asset availability.
Loss of DLR turn-in during shipments could deprive
the TYCOM or activitys operating budget from
receiving a credit. Losses may also create additional
charges to the activitys operating fund; whereas, the
activity is charged the standard price instead of the net
price. Furthermore, DLR losses could require the
NAVICP to spend DBOF funds to buy new replacement
Exchange Related
In support of the one-for-one concept, an NRFI
DLR is turned-in as an exchange for the requisitioned
item. The NRFI DLR is returned to the supply system
on a DD Form 1348-1 or DD Form 1348-1A with
document identifier BC1/BC2. All the associated
documents, records, or logbooks must be attached to the
material being turned-in. Use management code E and
the document number of the replacement requisition on
the shipping document. This document number will be
used to match the requisition and turn-in document
numbers in the NAVICP carcass tracking record (CTR).
The turn-in is shipped to the nearest ATAC Hub or to
the designated support point (DSP) if the activity is not
under ATAC or the item is excluded from shipment
under ATAC.
Repairable items in excess of the fixed allowance
are turned-into the supply system. Excess condition is
a result of fluctuating demand pattern, decrease in