D6R document on the Report 57. When Report 57 is
sent to the NAVICP, the document D6R will turn off
carcass tracking to your activity.
Refer to the applicable automated systems
procedures for producing the IDLRR and how to clear
the records when the DLR flag is set.
DLR PRINT. This document provides a DLR
transaction report for carcass tracking and turn-in. The
report will list selected repairable tracking file (RTF)
records for which there is an off-ship requisition in the
requisition file. It is also used as an internal report for
carcass tracking audits. The computer system uses the
DLR indicator settings to produce this report. In the
basic requisition file, the DLR indicator of D means the
item is a DLR and requires carcass tracking. The DLR
indicator C means the item is a mandatory turn-in
repairable other than DLR and does require carcass
tracking. The DLR print consists of three parts. Part I
is a list of RTF records with a DLR indicator of D. Part
II is a list of RTF records with DLR indicator of C. Part
III list those requisitions for DLR stock replenishment
that have been deferred.
Labels for DLR Material
The purpose of the standardized labels throughout
the DLR pipeline is to enhance DLR visibility. Proper
identification of DLR items facilitates material
movement and processing. The DLR labels are
standardized (3 x 5 or 2 x 3) with a distinctive blue
background and yellow lettering. These labels are
available from the Navy supply system stock as
NAVSUP Forms 1397 and 1397-1.
The aviation consolidated allowance list (AVCAL)
is developed and published by the NAVICP-Phil. The
AVCAL lists the range and depth of aviation material
that is authorized to be stocked by a ship to support
maintenance and operations of embarked aircraft. The
AVCAL incorporates consumer level requirements that
are in agreement with approved maintenance plans and
are tailored to each using activity. The fixed allowance
requirements included within the AVCAL are
negotiated with the NAVICP, cognizant TYCOM, and
user activity at AVCAL quality review conferences
(AQRCs). The result of the AQRCs will ensure
propositioning of retail stocks at the operating site to
provide adequate material support. The intent of the
AVCAL is to provide optimum ships effectiveness and
aircraft operational readiness in a combat environment.
NOTE: Ashore activities use a shore-based
consolidated allowance list (SHORCAL) in place of the
AVCAL. Both procedures are basically the same. The
SHORCAL is ordinarily associated with consumer
level support for aviation depot and field level
However, the SHORCAL includes both
consumable and repairable allowances when initially
established for an operating site. Subsequent
SHORCAL requirements for consumable items must be
for new aircraft or a weapons system.
The following paragraphs discuss some of the terms
peculiar to the AVCAL
l Allowance Change Request-Fixed (ACR-F) is
the document submitted to NAVICP-Phil by the
operating site requesting a change in quantity to a fixed
allowance. ACR-Fs are submitted on NAVSUP Form
. Allowance Requirements Register (ARR) is an
allowance document containing potential range and
depth of aviation material to support maintenance
requirements anticipated during a 90-day period. It is
based on estimated reliability factors or failure rates
derived from actual system-wide usage.
. Beyond Capability of Maintenance (BCM) is
an action taken by IMAs when repair is not
authorized at that level or when an activity is not
capable of doing the repair because of a lack of
equipment, parts, facilities, technical skills, technical
data, and so forth. Refer to OPNAVINST 4790.2 for a
list of BCM codes.
l Deckload includes total aircraft and equipment
types and numbers embarked on a particular ship.
. Endurance Period is the length of time,
expressed in months, a consumer level inventory is
required to support an operating sites mission without
. Fixed Allowance is an authorized level of
repairable regarded as the maximum level of inventory
to be maintained.
. Maintenance Support Packages (MSPs) contain
consumable, low-cube, nonhazardous maintenance
items that are maintained in MSP cabinets. Under the
fleet aviation logistics support center (FALSC),