P-437, NAVSUP P-485, or NAVSUP P-545 for the
BK2 document format.
Weapons Replaceable Assembly (WRA)
A weapons replaceable assembly (WRA) must be
turned-in as a complete unit. If a shop replaceable
assembly (SRA) is missing, the activity that turned-in
the WRA will be billed for the SRA if no turn-in for the
SRA is recorded.
The naval aviation depot or other repair facility
submits the replacement requisition for the missing
SRA. The requisition will have an advice code 5G if
the activity who turned-in the WRA can be identified.
An advice code 5A will be used when the activity who
turned-in the WRA cannot be identified. If the turn-in
activity can be identified through any of the
accompanying documentation, the repair facility sends
a variance report to the NAVICP. The variance report
includes the following information:
National stock number (NSN) of the WRA,
turn-in document number of the WRA,
NSN and nomenclature of the missing SRA,
turn-in document number of the missing SRA (if
available), and
requisition number for the replacement of the
missing SRA.
The NAVICP uses the information in the variance
report to search the carcass tracking record (CTR) if the
missing SRA was turned-in. If a turn-in is recorded in
the CTR, the carcass tracking loop and additional
billing on the repair facilitys replacement requisition is
closed. If no turn-in is recorded, the NAVICP sends a
follow up to the activity that turned-in the WRA
requesting information on the SRA. If the turn-in
activity cannot provide the information, the activity will
be billed for the value of the missing SRA.
Advanced Traceability and Control (ATAC)
The ATAC program has simplified the DLR
retrograde process. The ATAC program provides the
following efforts:
. Provides traceability and accountability
l Establishes consolidation and shipping nodes
and centralize processing Hubs
Ensures processing of TIR for retrograde
material to the NAVICP
Reduces carcass tracking follow-ups
Reduces delays in transportation and processing
Provides database of information for tracking
retrograde from receipt in ATAC to delivery to
designated repair point (DRP)/designated
support point (DSP)
Refer to NAVSUPINST 4421.20 for detailed
information on the ATAC program.
The carcass tracking program ensures
accountability and return of repairable retrograde in the
Navy supply system. Repairing a non-RFI depot level
repairable (DLR) item is less expensive than buying a
new replacement item. In most cases, it is also faster to
repair than to buy the items. Since DLR items are
expensive and need a long procurement lead time,
repair of non-RFI DLRs become the main source of
replenishment. Therefore, it is imperative that non-RFI
DLRs be returned according to the procedures in
NAVSUP-P 545. Delay or erroneous shipment of a
DLR retrograde adversely affects material availability
and impacts the Navys readiness.
Some of the terms specifically used in the carcass
tracking program are listed in the following definitions.
Knowing these terms will help you learn and understand
the scope of the program easier.
Freight agentA commercial activity under
contract to the Navy. The freight agent at Nodes is
responsible for the DLR receipt and consolidation and
forwarding the DLR to the Hub. The agent at the Hub
is responsible for processing the DLR receipts and
subsequent delivery to DRP/DSP. Additionally, the
freight agent maintains the transportation data for
information and research.
HubA Navy-operated facility that provides
verification of a drawing/part number to the stock
number of the DLR item. The Hub prepares and
submits a report of discrepancies for discrepant
receipts. The Hub also determines the DRP/DSP of the
item and repacks material for shipment. After
processing the receipt of a DLR, the Hub submits the
transaction item report (TIR) to close the carcass