shipboard aviation stocks are off-loaded to designated
naval air stations for inventory management purposes.
MSP material is stored in designated cabinets in
mockup staging areas.
The MSP cabinets will be
positioned on the ship at the time of re-AVCAL.
l Operational Support Inventory (OSI) is the
quantity of prepositioned material required to support
the planned aircraft program and maintenance mission
of an operating site. The OSI is composed of fixed
allowance for DLR and FLR as well as fixed
operating level for consumables.
. Order and Shipping Time (OST) is the interval
between the time a stock point processes a stock
replenishment requisition to a supplier and receipt of an
NAVICP (supplier) in-stock item. The OST is currently
fixed at 17 days.
. Supplemental Aviation Spares Support (SASS)
is commonly retimed to as a pack-up kit that is required
to support detached aircraft operations. The SASS is
composed of DLR and FLR items. Authorized SASS
require \ments are considered additive to an operating
sites fixed allowance.
. The Weapons System Planning Document
(WSPD) is a policy and planning document produced
by NAVAIR. The WSPD provides the guidance
necessary for the acquisition and logistics support
of naval aircraft. The WSPD provides the number
of aircraft at each site, levels of maintenance
capability, pack-up requirements, carrier schedules,
rotational aircraft assignments, and approved flying
The community approach is used in determining the
OSI requirements.
This process is used for both
repairable and consumable items as described in the
following paragraphs.
Consumable Items
In a community approach, consumable
requirements are determined by using the Ships
AVCAL Asset Demand Tape (SAVAST) from carriers
that are supporting the same aircraft and equipment,
including those undergoing re-AVCAL. This method
is designed to maximize the range for irregular
demand patterns.
This method also minimizes the
establishment of new items for the purpose of recording
its number of demands. The community SAVAST
process includes taking data from four recently
deployed aircraft carriers and data characteristics off the
SAVAST undergoing re-AVCAL and creating, a
combined SAVAST. Items on the SAVAST that have
positive average monthly demand (AMD) and are not
applicable in NAVICP-Phil tiles are included in the
preliminary products.
Repairable Items
A new technique has been implemented to
determine the repairable fixed allowances for
carriers/amphibious ships. Essential] y, the collective
3-M experience gained from recently deployed aircraft
carriers is used as the basis to determine the baseline
fixed allowance. In this manner the usage experience
during deployment of all aircraft carriers is considered
rather than that of a single carrier. Baseline fixed
allowance is considered the standard aircraft carrier
allowance and is incorporated into the preliminary
AVCAL. Changes to the baseline fixed allowance
formulate the basis of negotiations at the AQRC.
Initial Outfitting
The ARR columnar quantity is selected for AVCAL
inclusion for weapons systems not previously
Applicable Constraints
The attrition allowance quantities for items with
identical ARR application on the previous and current
AVCAL and reflect zero usage will be reduced to one.
Protected aircraft and weapons systems are not subject
to constraints. When requested by the type commander,
additional exceptions to the constraint program maybe
Preliminary Requirement
Stock levels developed from the mechanized
requirements process are used as the point of departure
in AVCAL negotiations. The established allowance or
revisions during Readiness Improvement Program
(RIP) reviews will be included into the preliminary
AVCAL and be considered as NAVICP-Phil
recommended quantities.
Readiness Improvement Program
During the RIP, specifically selected aircraft/
systems are reviewed to identify logistics problems. As