supported number of aircraft or equipment, or
recomputed AVCAL or SHORCAL.
RE-SHORCAL. Excess DLRs to the new fixed
allowance as a result of re-SHORCAL process must be
identified and expended. Expend the excess DLRs
from the W purpose. For an activity that performs a
Transaction Item Report (TIR), process the excess items
as follows:
. Pick up the excess items in A purpose
l Report the transaction to the NAVICP using a
D6. document identifier transaction with project code
RDE, management code C, and an appropriate fund
code. Use fund code QZ for 7_ Cog items. For APA
Cognizance items, use fund code 26. For 0_ Cog items,
use fund code Y6.
Non-TIR activities ship excess material to the
nearest TIR activity. The shipping document is
prepared as follows:
Leave the document identifier block blank,
Use project code RDE,
Use management code C,
Use the fund code in the same manner as in
re-SHORCAL excess.
NOTE: Credits granted for turn-ins with fund code
QZ will go to the central outfitting account maintained
at NAVICP-Phil to satisfy outfitting deficiencies
created by movement of aircraft between activities.
STOCK REVIEWS. Stock excess reviews of
materials in W or L purpose must be conducted on a
regular basis. Material identified as excess is expended
from inventories. Transaction Item Reporting (TIR)
activities must pick up the excess items in A purpose
(wholesale) and submit the TIR to the NAVICP. The
TIR must be submitted with a document identifier D6_,
project code RDE, and management code C. For
7_ Cog items, use the same fired code that is being used
locally. For APA Cog items, use fund code 26. Use
fired code Y6 for 0_ Cog items.
NOTE: The local fund code used for excess will
direct any credit granted by the NAVICP to the
operating budget/TYCOM.
Non-TIR activities ship excess material to the
nearest TIR activity on a DD Form 1348-1 or DD Form
1348-1A, The document identifier of the shipping
document must be with a blank. Use project code RDE,
management code C, and the appropriate fund code for
the cognizance symbol of the material as described
RE-AVCAL. Excess material is identified after
updating the basic material file with the revised AVCAL
allowance. Offload and turn-in excess material to the
nearest TIR activity using the DD Form 1348-1 or DD
Form 1348-1A as the shipping document. Assign
document identifier RDE the management code Con
the shipping document. For 7R Cog items, use fund
code QZ. Use fund code Y6 for APA and 0_ Cog items.
If the item being turned-in is a 7_ Cog, annotate the
shipping document with NRFI or RFI DLR TURN-IN
FOR POSSIBLE CREDIT in the remarks block
Engineering Investigation (EI)/Quality
Deficiency Report (QDR)
An engineering investigation (EI) is a report of
material failures. The quality deficiency report (QDR)
is a report of the deficiency of new or newly reworked
material. Return EI/QDR material exhibits via the
ATAC Hub transportation channels on a DD Form
1348-1 or DD Form 1348-1A turn-in document. Use
document identifier BEI (for EI) and BQD (for QDR)
on the turn-in document. Annotate condition code L in
record position 71/B1ock P of the DD Form 1348-1
turn-in document. Put the assigned EI/QDR control
number in Block D of the DD Form 1348-1 turn-in
document. Additional turn-in requirements are as
. Ensure all documents accompanying the
material exhibit contain the EI/QDR control number.
. Attach an EI/QDR label to the container of each
material exhibit. These labels come in two different
sizes: 1 x 18 (NAVSUP Form 1398) and 1 x 6
(NAVSUP Form 1398-1).
. Mark all accompanying paperwork with
. Use the same document number as the
replacement requisition on the turn-in document to
complete the carcass tracking loop. Do not use the
document number under which the deficient material
was originally received on the turn-in document. If the
turn-in document number does not match the
replacement requisition, submit an advance BK2 with
response code B to the NAVICP. Refer to NAVSUP