The following are some of the terms commonly
used in the reclamation program:
. AMARC Aerospace Maintenance And
Regeneration Center located at Davis-Monthan Air
Force Base, Tucson, Arizona.
l Component Reclamation (COMREC) The
reclamation of required components from
excess/obsolete NAVICP-Phil-managed repairable
assemblies designated as reclamation candidates by
l Emergency Removals The removal of material
from stricken/stored aircraft from AMARC to satisfy
issue group I or II requisitions.
l Inviolate Aircraft Those aircraft from which
emergency removals cannot be made without approval
from the CNO per OPNAVINST 5040.8. These aircraft
are not candidates for reclamation.
. Master Save List This is a consolidation of the
Navy and other DOD activity requirement lists. This
list is prepared by NAVICP-Phil and used by the activity
performing the reclamation of items.
. Non-inviolate Aircraft Those aircraft for
which CNO approval is not required for emergency
There is no requirement for replacing
material removed from this aircraft.
l Save List A listing prepared by NAVICP-Phil
identifying the components to be salvaged. These
components will be salvaged from the applicable
aircraft, engines, repairable components, and end items
of support equipment that is being reclaimed.
. Support Equipment (SE) Reclamation The
reclamation of required components from
excess/obsolete end items of SE designated as
reclamation candidates by NAVAIR/NAVICP-Phil.
Stricken Aircraft Reclamation and Disposal
Program (SARDIP)
The SARDIP is the reclamation of required
components from excess/obsolete aircraft. The
SARDIP applies to the following specific aircraft
. Operable aircraft stricken from the operating
inventory and designated by the CNO for reclamation.
These aircraft are generally stored and reclaimed at
AMARC. Other reclamation activities may be
designated by Naval Air Systems Command.
l Crash/battle damaged aircraft that are not
operable and which are stricken by CNO and reclaimed
on site.
designators to both types of aircraft mentioned above.
The master save list is used to identify the components
to be reclaimed.
Reclamation in Lieu of Procurement (RILOP)
The RILOP applies to aircraft engines stricken by
NAVAIRSYSCOM and designated for reclamation.
These engines are assigned a RILOP designator by
NAVICP-Phil, and redistribution action is taken by
NAVAIRSYSCOM to position the engines at a
designated reclamation site. The reclamation action is
accomplished by using the master save lists.
Component Reclamation (COMREC)
This program applies to NAVICP Philadedelphia-
managed repairable assemblies that are determined to
be excess to total system needs by cognizant inventory
manager. Reclamation is accomplished at the
designated reclamation activity and by use of the
NAVICP-Phil save list.
Support Equipment (SE) Reclamation
This program applies to NAVAIRSYSCOM/
NAVICP Philadelphia-managed support equipment
items, included in the support equipment candidate list
developed by NAVICP-Phil and NAVAIRSYSCOM,
which have been designated as candidates for survey by
the repair depot.
Emergency Removal
When required, NAVICP-Phil may pass to
AMARC a fill or kill requisition requesting removal of
a part from a stricken or non-inviolate aircraft in
storage. Upon receipt of the request, AMARC
determines if the material or substitute is available, In
case of a substitute, NAVICP-Phil will determine if the
item is acceptable. If the requisition is filled, AMARC
provides the shipping information of the material to
When NAVICP-Phil desires removal of a part from
an inviolate aircraft, an authorization must first be
obtained from CNO. If the CNO authorizes the removal