Include the supporting supply department and, for
DLRs, the designated support point (DSP) as info
addressees on the EI message. Turn in the defective
material to the supporting supply department unless it is
environmentally sensitive. Hold environmentally
sensitive material in the unit storage area pending
disposition instructions from competent authority.
RESPONSIBILITY. The supporting supply
department holds defective EI material until disposition
instructions are received from the cognizant field
activity (CFA) or other directing authority. Material
should be marked with the words Holding 30 Days for
Investigation and be held in supply for a maximum of
30 days. If disposition instructions are not received
within this time frame, request disposition instructions
from the CFA. If the investigation is needed, the
maintenance engineering cognizant field activity
(MECFA) may request the holding activity to ship the
defective material. Ship the material in an as is
condition. When a hazardous condition is evident,
supply personnel perform only those tasks necessary to
protect the material while it is being forwarded.
The following procedures apply when shipping
material as EI exhibit:
l Special care must be taken to cap/package
material immediately upon removal from the system to
prevent corrosion, contamination or other damage that
may contribute to confusion or loss of possible cause
. Do not attempt disassembly of material, make
adjustments, or perform any type of cleaning.
. When contamination is suspected, forward
samples of the fluid in a clean, sealed container.
. Forward all failed fragments. Do not try to
reassemble. Wrap fragments separately to prevent
damage by movement of one against another.
l When feasible, forward associated accessories,
components, or material that may be suspected of
contributing to the malfunction/mishap.
l Package all material to at least the same level of
protection as RFI parts. Do not transport EI material
loose in boxes or on truck beds or packaged with other
. Mark all containers and associated documents
Engineering Investigation. On the DD Form 1348-1 (in
the Ship To block), enter Investigation Material, the EI
control number, or any other identifying numbers as
directed by the CFA. Stamp or mark the notation EI in
3-inch letters on the face of the document without
obliterating any vital data elements.
c Parcel post shipments must be registered. MPD
03, Military Standard Transportation and Movement
Procedures (MILSTAMP) priority 1, is assigned to
material being shipped for investigation. Reject code
754 is assigned for all MILSTAMP transactions
involving investigations. Use document identifier BEI
and condition code L on the DD Form 1348-1 shipment
document. Enter the El control number on block P of
the DD Form 1348-1. Include the contract number in the
Remarks block of the DD Form 1348-1 and provide a
copy to the NAVICP-Phil.
NOTE: Any material to be released to a
contractors representative or shipped directly to the
contractors plant must be processed through the
supporting supply department. The supply department
can issue the material on a custody basis only when
authorized by the MECFA. Ship all DLR exhibits via
the ATAC Hub for processing and transshipment to the
commercial site.
Refer to OPNAV Instruction 4790.2 (NAMP) for
additional information concerning EIs. The
NAVSUPINST 4440.187 contains additional detailed
policy and procedures for control of DLRs forwarded
for investigations.
Contractor Maintenance Program
The Navy and Marine Corps have several contractor
aircraft maintenance programs. Each program evolved
with its own unique considerations and variations,
resulting in many divergent programs. These programs
include a mix of government and commercial
requirements and introduce unique challenges for
program management personnel. They include
variations of standard depot level maintenance (SDLM)
only, site O-level maintenance, I-level maintenance and
supply support, and total O-, I-, and D-level
maintenance and supply support. DOD Directive
4151.1 and SECNAV Instructions 4860.42 and 4200.27
establish uniform policies and procedures for planning,
developing, and managing contractor maintenance
programs, These instructions apply to all Navy and
Marine Corps aviation activities that contract for or
employ contractor maintenance for O-, I-, or D-level
The use of contractor maintenance must be
consistent with the effective and efficient
accomplishment of the Navy and Marine Corps mission.