materials are financed by procurement appropriations.
These are the Aircraft Procurement Navy (APN),
Weapons Procurement Navy (WPN), or Other
Procurement Navy (OPN) appropriations. Some
examples of items carried in APA are aircraft engines,
radar systems, computers, and soon.
The contractor supported items are identified by a
0_ Cog. The contractor provides the support during the
interim pied as agreed upon by the vendor and the
Hardware Systems Command (HSC). The contractor
support terminates at the Material Support Date (MSD).
An MSD is the agreed upon date when the ICP will
accept the responsibility for the support of the items.
Upon acceptance of responsibility, the items are
assigned with the appropriate cognizance symbol for
the ICP. Refer to Appendix 17, Part C of NAVSUP
P-437 for a list of cognizance symbols and their
cognizant ICPs.
The End-Use DLRs are held in Stores Account
55000 for shorn activities. This also applies to afloat
units using the Shipboard Uniform Automated Data
Processing System-Real lime (SUADPS-RT) with
Uniform System Identification (USID) codes C or M.
The USID code C applies to ships with designations of
CV, CVN, LHA, LPD, and LHD. The USID code M
applies to Marine Aviation Logistics Squadrons
(MALS). Under this concept, the supporting activity
(not the customer) is responsible for the issue,
replenishment, and financial accounting of end-use
inventories. Ashore, end-use DLRs are carried in the
W or L purpose. Afloat, a majority of these items are
carried under allowance-type (AT) code 2. he aviation
activities buy end-use DLRs with Operations and
Maintenance funds apportioned to them by their
respective type commanders. The supply officer also
uses the Operations and Maintenance fund to maintain
the inventory of end-use DLRs.
Condition Codes
To manage repairable components properly, you
should distinguish the condition of items in stock. The
manager must know if an item is in RFI condition,
requiring repair, or being repaired. The supply
condition code is assigned to classify the materials in
terms of their readiness for issue and use. As material
moves through the repair cycle, its condition code
changes. The most current condition code is used to
record the status of the material. A complete listing of
supply condition codes is listed in appendix A2 of
appendix 9 of Afloat Supply Procedures, NAVSUP
Local Repair Cycle Asset (LRCA)
The LRCA storage unit is under the Aviation
Support Division/Supply Support Center (ASD/SSC)
of a supply department. This unit is responsible for
receiving, storing, issuing, and accounting of repairable
assets controlled by ASD/SSC. The LRCA is part of
the activitys fixed allowance and stored close to the
intermediate maintenance activity (IMA). To prevent
submitting a requisition to the supply system every time
a replacement serviceable unit is needed, NAVICP-Phil
provides a fixed allowance to the supporting activity.
When an NRFI unit is removed from an aircraft or
equipment, an RFI replacement is issued from the
LRCA storage unit. The NRFI unit is inducted into the
IMA for repair. When the item is repaired locally, it is
returned to the stock storage as an RFI asset. When the
item cannot be repaired locally, or when the item is an
AVDLR, it is then forwarded to the designated repair
point/designated support point (DRP/DSP) for repair
and an RFI replacement unit is requisitioned from the
supply system.
A fixed allowance is established based upon an
estimate of the activitys usage considering such factors
as failure rates, operating hours, and the I-level repair
turn-around time (TAT).
The important factor in determining the allowance
quantity of a repairable item is the TAT. The TAT is the
length of time from the removal of the NRFI component
to its restoration to serviceable condition and returned
to the shelf. The objective of the maintenance activity
is to keep this TAT as short as possible.
The total repair process can be thought of as a
circular system wherein the unserviceable unit enters
the repair program in F condition and is repaired and
returned to stock in A condition. This process is
referred to as depot repair cycle.
Master Repairable Item List (MRIL)
The MRIL is the official designated source for
determining the proper disposition of NRFI repairable.
The MRIL is available in Compact Disk Read-Only
Memory (CD-ROM) and in mechanized format.
The MRIL in CD-ROM is the primary source of
information for nonmechanized activities. This format
is updated in its entirety, published, and distributed
monthly. The CD-ROM format is in two parts.