Responsibility for Survey Actions
The discrepancies that require a DD Form 200 are
subject to review/approval by the individuals listed in
table 3-3.
The Accountable Officer is an individual appointed
by proper authority who maintains items/financial
records in connection with government property. The
property may be in his/her own possession, in storage,
or in the possession of others. The accountable officer
may entail financial liability for failure to exercise
his/her obligation. For supply system stocks, the stock
control officer is normally assigned this responsibility
(figure 3-1).
The Responsible Officer is an individual appointed
by proper authority to exercise custody, care, and
safekeeping of property book material.
The Reviewing Authority is an individual
designated in writing by the Approving Authority to
review and analyze the results of supply system stock
The Appointing Authority is an individual
designated in writing by the Approving Authority.
(NOTE: The Approving Authority may act as the
Appointing Authority.) The Appointing Authority
performs the following:
. Appoints financial liability officers when
Approves or disapproves the recommendations
of the Responsible Officer, Reviewing
Authority, or Financial Liability Officers
Recommends actions to the Responsible Officer
The Approving Authority makes determination to
relieve involved individuals from responsibility or
accountability or approve the assessment of financial
liability. The Approving Authority may act as the
appointing authority or designate an Appointing
Authority in writing.
The Approving Authority is
normally senior in rank to the Appointing Authority.
The approving authority is normally the commanding
officer with the following exceptions:
The CO may authorize the supply officer to
approve surveys of Defense Business Operations
Fund (DBOF) material valued at less than
The Approving Authority may not be directly
accountable or responsible for the property being
Survey Process
The steps for processing surveys include the
Initiation of inquiries
Review process
Table 3-3.-Role of Individuals in a Survey Process