Issues of AVDLR/DLR material at aviation
activities will update the repairable tracking file. This
file contains the requisition generated to replenish the
item for stock.
The issue transaction record is added to the
financial holding file and held until financial posting
and reporting are completed at the end of the months
financial processing.
The issue transaction is added to the material
transaction ledger file for later review on the cumulative
transaction ledger (CTL) and subsequent research
When the issue is partial NIS or total NIS, the DTO
requisition for the NIS quantity is established in the
basic requisition file.
When the issue is partial NIS or total NIS, the
off-station DTO requisition for the remaining quantity
is added to the transaction holding file pending
requisition release Processing by stock control.
Maintenance Support Package
Maintenance Support Package (MSP) material
consists of small, low-cost, aviation consolidated
allowance list (AVCAL) allowance stock material.
Items included in an MSP are designated by the supply
officer and are identified on the basic material file by
setting the MSP indicator. MSPs are centrally located
in or near aviation maintenance facilities to provide
easy access to maintenance personnel. Items in MSP
are issued to satisfy immediate maintenance
requirements. Requests for additional quantities and
intended for stock-piling by work centers is not
accomplished according to the procedures outlined in
NAVSUP P-567 or they maybe done off-line using a
locally developed drop sheet form. When the drop
sheet is used, issues are conducted upon presentation of
a Maintenance Action Form (MAF) or a facsimile print-
out. A separate line entry is made on the drop sheet for
each item issued. Daily MSP issues are recorded in SUADPS-
RT using the MRI post-post option described in
SUADPS-RT Support Procedures, volume 2, chapter 3.
MSP LISTINGS. A listing of MSP material is
produced using the master stock status and locator
listing (MSSLL) and general selector functions of
SUADPS-RT processing. These lists should be made
available to all user departments and updated
periodically to maintain current data.
Supervisors must ensure that internal control
procedures are being followed. These controls are
established to monitor all pending issue requests until
they are completed. The purpose of internal control is
to ensure that the following are obtained:
. Process all customer requirements within
prescribed time frames
c Preserve the highest possible inventory accuracy
. Assure the integrity of computer files
The SUADPS-RT assists in this monitoring
function through the issue pending file and daily
unprocessed picking ticket (issue document) report.
This report must be reviewed daily and a follow-up
action initiated to complete all outstanding issue
Issue requests processed off-line are monitored
using copies of issue documents retained in the issues
pending file (manual). This file must be reviewed daily,
and follow-up action must be taken for all documents
not returned within the 72-hour time frame.
Material transfer is the movement of material from
the custody and records of the activity to a nonsupported
Navy ship or shore activity. Material transfers are made
only upon receipt of an official request document.
However, material in excess of the activitys needs may
be off-loaded to a shore activity.
The Standard Organization and Regulations of the
U.S. Navy, OPNAVINST 3120.32, paragraph 328,
defines the general duties of the supply officer. These
duties include the responsibility for managing material
transfer. The supply officer or designated assistant
must approve transfer of material from the command,
However, the management responsibility for some
special material is delegated by the commanding officer
to other officers. In this case, the delegated officer is
responsible for approving transfer of these materials.
Although such responsibility may not be delegated in a
commanding officers letter, it should be specified in
the activitys organization and regulations manual.
Before transferring any material (except for excess
items) to another activity, the supply officer should
make sure that the material is not currently needed by