Receipt Processing
The Integrated Barcode System (IBS) is widely
used for receipt processing on board aircraft carriers.
The IBS is made up of hardware that includes personal
computers, label printers, and scanners. The IBS
Coordinator is assigned to manage the whole system
while the Site Coordinators manage the IBS operations
in each site or location. The IBS is an integral part in
performing the Receipt in Process (RIP) procedures.
When material is received on board, receiving
personnel use the scanner to read the barcoded
information on the receipt document. The information
in the scanner is uploaded to a personal computer or
copied to a diskette. This procedure allows recording
of all material that was received on board and is
awaiting processing of a matching stow or consignee
copy. The only exception to using IBS for DTO receipts
include materials for the following projects:
Not Mission Capable Supply/Partial Mission
Capable Supply (NMCS/PMCS)
Awaiting Parts (AWP)
Casualty Report (CASREP)
The S-6 division processes the NMCS/PMCS,
BROAD ARROW, and AWP receipts through the
NALCOMIS module. The receipt transactions are
processed into NALCOMIS through conversation
codes N613 and N615. After processing in
NALCOMIS, these transactions must be randomly
verifie~d to ensure they are posted to SUADPS ledgers
or files. Receipt transactions for CASREPs are
processed manually into SUADPS-RT by the S-1
CASREP coordinator.
Receipt File
All original copies of receipts for consumable items
are maintained by the S-1 division. The S-6 division
maintains files for all aviation depot level repairable
(AVDLR) receipt documents. There are two separate
receipt files. One file for stock and another for DTO
receipts. The documents in the completed file are
arranged in Julian date/serial number sequence.
Document Flow Control
The control procedures for moving material from
the point of receipt to the storeroom or consignee may
vary from ship to ship. However, each activity must
have a control procedure in place to account for
incoming materials.
Some materials require strict
control or signature control. These materials include,
but are not limited to, AVDLR, hazardous, controlled
equipage, classified items, NMCS/PMCS/AWP,
CASREPS, and registered mail. A quality assurance
(QA) check ensures proper receipt processing and
stowage procedures are performed.
The expenditure of material is the act of removing
a specific quantity of an item from the activitys stock
records. The material is expended from the records
when requested by an end-user or another activity, or
disposed of as directed by higher authority.
Expenditure is also used to keep the stock quantity in
balance when stock material is lost or is no longer
usable. In most cases, material is considered as no
longer usable when its shelf life has expired or the
material is damaged beyond repair. This section covers
the various types of expenditures and procedures used
to update the activitys records. The activitys records
may be updated manually or through the computer
The AKs use the NALCOMIS to process material
expenditures. The NALCOMIS is connected to a host
computer (Electronic Interface) that records all
transactions in the master file. The host computers
include the following:
Uniform Automated Data Processing
System-Stock Point (UADPS-SP)
Shipboard Uniform Automated Data Processing
System-Real Time (SUADPS-RT)
The UADPS-SP and UADPS-Level II are used
ashore. The SUADPS-RT is used aboard large ships.
Material in stock is expended by issue, transfer,
cash sale, loss by inventory, and survey transactions.
An issue is the physical act of turning over material
to an end work center or supported unit as the result
of a customer requisition. Activities using
NALCOMIS submit a requisition by using the format
in conversation code N601 or N602. This requisition
will create a DD Form 1348-1 issue document for the
available material. Upon receipt of proof of delivery
(POD) copy in supply, the issue transaction is