Working party personnel assigned to handle frozen
food items should be advised in advance to have gloves
available when it is necessary to handle frozen items
manually. A reasonably clean pair of canvas work
gloves are best suited for this purpose.
Accountable Stores. Receipt of large amounts of
ships store stock is also routine during UNREP. This
includes clothing items, personal hygiene products,
electronic equipment, and other pilferable items. The
S-3 division should be represented by responsible
persons at each loading station and supervised by senior
Ships Servicemen to take charge of such accountable
material as soon as it is received.
When this type of item is received, each person in
the supply department should assist in preventing theft.
When the receipt involves a large quantity, responsible
petty officers from other supply divisions may be used
as escorts for working party personnel carrying the
material to storerooms, or for watching the conveyor
tracks or chutes. Every foot of the entire route used for
moving accountable stores must be in full view of a
responsible petty officer at all times.
Hazardous Material. Hazardous material is
defined as any material that requires careful attention to
guarantee adequate safety to life and property because
of its potentially dangerous nature. The receipt of
hazardous materials during UNREP can be expected.
Proper handling and stowage of this category of
material is mandatory.
Federal regulations require hazardous materials be
identified by symbols on labels attached to their
containers to designate the degree of health, fire,
reactivity, and specific hazards to the receiver. Each
type of hazard (except specific), has a number from 0
to 4 that represents the degree of hazard. For example,
health hazard 4 identifies deadly. In addition, the
symbols for each type of hazard are identified by
different colors as follows: blue indicates health
hazard; red indicates fire hazard; yellow indicates
reactivity hazard; and white indicates specific hazard.
Figure 3-3 illustrates hazardous material symbols on
labels denoting the degree of hazards. The relation of
these symbols to the type of storage requirement is
described in figure 3-4.
Figure 3-3.-Hazardous material symbols.