A replenishment station is any location where some
significant action is taken on the stores being received.
The replenishment stations may be divided into three
general groupsreceiving, sorting, and striking.
Stations within a group cover the same function,
regardless of location.
The locations of replenishment stations on a typical
aircraft carrier are shown in figure 3-5. Receiving
stations 1 and 2 are on elevators 1 and 2 respectively,
with the elevators at hangar deck level. The third
receiving station, normally used during VERTREP
operations, is on or in the vicinity of the No. 4 elevator.
Sorting stations are close to the receiving stations
where net loads may be towed by tractor or delivered
on roller conveyors. At this point, stores are sorted and
palletized on the basis of strike area (station). Major
strike areas, as shown in figure 3-5, view A, are located
where mechanical equipment is readily available.
However, strike areas may be located anywhere close
to the ultimate storage area of significant amounts of
The RECEIVING STATIONS are the areas where
the material is received on board. Most receiving
stations are located on the hangar deck. Ship designs
vary, even within a class, with consequent variations in
number and locations of receiving stations. For
example, some ships have receiving stations on
elevators 1 and 2 for highline replenishment and a
receiving station on elevator 4 for vertical
replenishment (VERTREP). Elevators 1, 2, and 3
remain lowered at the hangar deck level while elevator
4 is at the flight deck level until a sufficient amount of
material is ready to be lowered to the hangar deck level
for receiving.
Material is under the control of the weapons
department (air department in the case of VERTREPs)
until the nets are detached from the transfer rig at the
receiving station. When the rig is detached, the
accountability of the material then belongs to the supply
department and must be removed from the receiving
station as quickly as possible. The time interval
available is the time required for the hook to travel to
Figure 3-5.-Carrier replenishment stations (UNREP/VERTREP): (A) Hangar deck; (B) Flight deck.