beyond the repair capability of the organizational
(O-level) or intermediate (I-level) maintenance levels.
The DLRs in Not Ready For Issue (NRFI) condition
must be shipped to the dept level maintenance activity
for repair or disposition. The DLRs are identified by
MCCs E, G, H, Q, or X (with the exception of
cognizance 6RX).
Advanced technology has made the weapons
systems more sophisticated. The equipment,
components, and related parts necessary to sustain the
weapons systems also have become more complex and
The weapons replaceable assembly (WRA) is the
generic term that includes all replaceable packages of
an avionic equipment or system as installed in the
aircraft weapons system. The WRA does not include
cable assemblies, mounts, fuse boxes, or circuit
breakers. The WRA is composed entirely of shop
replaceable assemblies (SRAs).
The shop replaceable assembly (SRA) is a generic
term that includes all the packages in the WRA. The
SRAs include the chassis and wiring as a unit.
NOTE: An SRA may be made of other SRAs.
Several shop replaceable assemblies (SRAs) make
up a weapons replaceable assembly (WRA). When a
component fails and it is diagnosed that the cause is in
an SRA, the entire SRA module containing the
defective part is removed and replaced. Repairable
items are expensive and normally require a long lead
time in procurement. However, if the defective SRA
components are repaired and returned to the supply
system, the fleet can maintain its readiness.
Stock records at all supply levels must reflect total
quantities of all available repairable components.
These quantities are reported to the NAVICPs. The
report will enable the NAVICPs to have an accurate
count of assets to budget for procurement and
distribution. The NAVICPs also use the report to
determine proper repair workload scheduling to
maintain ready for issue (RR) stock levels, The item
manager must keep track of both RFI and not ready for
issue (NRFI) material to maintain the required quantity.
The NAVICP uses this information to decide whether
to buy additional quantities or repair NRFI assets to fill
the requirements.
Categories of Repairable
Initially, an item is designated as repairable or
consumable during the development of the maintenance
plan by the Hardware Systems Command and
implemented into the coding process during the
provisioning process. This plan includes information
necessary to establish the source maintenance and
recoverability (SM&R) code. The maintenance plan
also designates the lowest maintenance level that is
authorized to perform a specific task on an item. The
different maintenance levels are the organizational,
intermediate, and depot level. The SM&R code reveals
the maintenance level authorized to perform the
following work:
Remove and replace the item
Repair the item
Condemn the item if it cannot be repaired
After the repair level for an item has been
designated, the item is assigned a material control code
(MCC) by the item manager. The MCC is a single-letter
code used for identification of repairable items, to
segregate items into more manageable groups, or to
relate to field activities special reporting and/or control
Aviation Held Level Repairable (AVFLRs) may
be carried in purpose codes W or L as authorized stock
under an activitys fixed allowance. The AVFLRs that
are excess to the authorized stock levels maybe carried
under purpose code A. Afloat, AVFLRs are carried
under stores account 51000 pending issue to customers.
In the DLR program, ownership relates to the
account under which the repairable material inventories
are held. These accounts include the Defense Business
Operations Fund (DBOF), Appropriation Purchase
Account (APA), contractor supported, and end-use
The DBOF (formerly Navy Stock Fund [NSF]) is a
revolving fund with two major assets, cash and material.
The DBOF cycles cash into material inventory by
having the components repaired at depots, or by buying
from vendors or other stores accounts. When material
is received, it is placed on the shelf where it is held in
Navy stock account 51000 pending requisitioning by a
customer. When the material is issued to the customer,
the DBOF is reimbursed by the customers operating
funds. The DBOF recycles the cash into inventory
through repair or purchases and the cycle is then
The Appropriation Purchase Account (APA)
material is held in Stores Amount 52000. The APA