Performance Assistance Teams
Performance assistance teams are available upon
request or as directed by the ACC/TYCOM to provide
assistance and training to activities in evaluating and
improving their performance levels. This assistance
includes techniques in performance measuring,
strategic planning, and removal of roadblocks
hindering mission accomplishment. The teams will
conduct an in-depth performance evaluation of the
activity. While assisting an activity, supporting and
supported activities are usually included. The teams
identify performance improvement opportunities and
assist in implements- tion of performance improvement
Strict compliance to procedures is a must during the
requisitioning, turn-in, and carcass tracking process of
AVDLRs. Managing repairable material has become
increasingly important to the Navy. While the number
of consumables managed by the Navy has declined, the
number of repairable has increased. Because most
repairable items are high cost, intensive management is
A two-priced structure was established for DLRs.
hey are the standard price and net price. The price
charged depends on whether or not there is a related
NRFI turn-in. The standard price is charged if there is
no turn-in available. The net price is charged for DLR
requisitions that have a turn-in. The net price includes
the repair cost, replacement fee (for condemned
turn-in), and surcharges. The difference between the
two prices is the carcass value. The Management
List-Consolidated (ML-C) information of the Federal
Logistics (FED LOG) data on compact disc contains the
prices of DLR items.
Depot level repairable (DLRs) are designated
Appropriations Stores Account (APA), Navy Stock
Account (NSA), or interim supported based on the
cognizance symbol assigned.
In general, each requisition for an NSA DLR will
require a creation of a financial obligation of end-use
funds. The following transactions do not require an
obligation of end-use funds:
l Stock replenishment requisitions for Special
Accounting Class (SAC) 207 units that have not
converted to end-use
requisitions for activities using end-use procedures
Price Obligation
The price obligated is the net price when an
exchange turn-in is or will be made. The standard price
will be obligated when there is no turn-in. The APA and
interim support DLRs are requisitioned at standard
price but do not require a financial obligation. Both
APA and interim support DLR requisitions do not result
in an expenditure of end-use funds.
Use the Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue
Procedures (MILSTRIP) when ordering DLRs from the
supply system. Requisitions from an end-user maybe
submitted by using a DD Form 1348 (6 pt), NAVSUP
Form 1250-1, or electrical means (computer). The
common method of submitting requisitions off station
or off ship is by message via DAAS. High priority
requisitions may be transmitted by telephone.
Advice Codes
An advice code is a mandatory entry in requisitions
for DLR items. The advice codes used for
requisitioning DLRs are 5A, SD, 5E, 5G, 5R, 5S, 5V,
5W, 5X, 5Y, 52,53,54,56, and 57. The definition of
these advice codes are listed in NAVSUP P-437,
NAVSUP P-485, and NAVSUP P-545. Requisitions
that are submitted with invalid or missing advice codes
will be rejected with status code RK.
The Naval inventory control points (NAVICPs)
develop allowances for ships and shore stations
periodically. The allowances are developed based on
the equipment/aircraft to be supported during the next
operating cycle. These allowances are tailored to each
activity and published in the following forms:
. Aviation Consolidated Allowance
. Shore Consolidated Allowance
In addition to the allowances discussed above, the
NAVICPs also provide Maintenance Assist Modules
(MAMs) and Test Bench Installations (TBIs). The