It is a policy of the Secretary of the Navy
(SECNAV) that the accounting effort performed
by Navy Operating Forces be kept to the absolute
minimum. The responsibility y for formal account-
ing is to be placed ashore. All material and
services requisitioned by a Navy squadron
ultimately cost the U.S. Government money.
Since the requirement for these items originates
in the squadron, it follows that financial re-
sponsibility starts there as well, The next higher
level of financial responsibility is the aircraft con-
trolling custodian (ACC) or TYCOM (fig. 2-5).
The AK2 does not get involved with funding
above the ACC or TYCOM level. Therefore, for
the purposes of this TRAMAN, a discussion of
funding is limited to the ACC or TYCOM and
the cost center.
The fleet accounting and disbursing centers
(FAADCs) perform the official accounting and
reporting for OPTARs issued by the TYCOM.
The FAADCs establish the necessary controls to
maintain and prove the accuracy and propriety
of transactions. These controls include the
required document files and related accounting
The FAADCs maintain records of each obliga-
tion document and, as requisitioned material is
supplied and vouchers paid, match them to the
expenditure documents received from the supply
activities and disbursing office. The result is
reported to the ship or squadron by listings
prepared on data processing equipment. The
listings allow OPTAR AKs to make necessary
corrections to the appropriate records and to
report any errors to the FAADC.
To help in the proper accounting of fleet
funds held by the individual OPTAR holders,
the FAADCs, U.S. Atlantic Fleet (FAADC-
LANT) and U.S. Pacific Fleet (FAADCPAC),
periodically submit several transaction listings
to the fleet
units for review, validation, or
Figure 2-5.Flow of funds for Operations and Maintenance, Navy.