P-2300. Lists repairable assemblies under the
cognizance of Aviation Supply Office (ASO) or Naval
Air Systems Command (NAVAIR).
P-2310. Lists supporting repair parts of Navy
aviation material. It serves as master reference list for
identifying and requisitioning all parts of replacement
significance required to support the repairable
assemblies listed in Section P-2300.
P-2330. This is the family group cross-reference.
It provides additional information of interchangeability
data shown in P-2300 and P-2310. It shows the
relationship of repairable components with the others in
the family group.
This is indicated by Family
Relationship (REL) code. An H in this column means
the NSN is the head of the family and an M means
member of the family.
C0018. The Repairable Assemblies Model Code
Table of Navy Aviation Materials. This publication lists
the model codes shown in P-2300 with applicable NSN
or coded NICN The list of NSNs are prefixed with
cognizance codes and material control codes and
suffixed, as applicable, with SMICs. The NICN is a
nine-character letter and number code that identifies an
item pending the assignment of an NSN.
C0030. The Packaging Data For ASO and NAVAIR
Repairable Assemblies. It provides information in the
proper ways of protecting material for shipment.
Other ASO publications that are not in CD-ROM
format are listed and described in the following
CRIPL-01. Consolidated Remain In Place List.
This list is designed to improve management of
repairable components by identifying the Remain-
In-Place (RIP) items.
These items are repairable
components that cannot be removed until receipt of a
replacement item. The NSNs listed in the CRIPL are
authorized RIP items. The CRIPL has three parts. Part
1 is in NIIN sequence, Part 2 is in part number sequence,
and Part 3 is in NIIN sequence within aircraft type.
NAC-10. Provides cross-reference from part
numbers to NAC (Navy Activity Control) numbers of
the Aviation Supply Distribution System. This
publication allows usage of available unstocknumbered
items by advertising them.
ICRL-A and ICRL-C. The Individual Component
Repair List provides maintenance activities with ability
to relate maintenance capability to repairable
components. The ICRL-A lists repairable processed
by a specific maintenance activity and the local repair
capability for the item. The ICRL-C is combined ICRL
for all intermediate maintenance activities (IMA).
The SM&R codes consists of two-position source
code, two single-position maintenance codes,
single-position recoverability code, and if applicable, a
single-position service option code. Figure 3-3 is an
example of SM&R Code. Its component codes are
described in the following paragraphs. Table 3-5
describes the Joint Services Uniform SM&R Code
Format. You must be familiar with the codes used in
SM&R, as described in NAVAIRINST 4423.11.
The Source Code is a two-character code that
occupies the first two positions of the SM&R code
format. This code shows the manner of getting the
material needed for maintenance, repair, or rework of
items. The following paragraphs describe the general
categories of source codes. Refer to NAVAIRINST
4423.11 for a list of definitions to each code.
Figure 3-3.-Example of an SM&R Code.