Figure 4-1.MILSTRIP Requisition, DD Form 1348.
DD Form 1348
six-part form is for requisitioning from nonautomated
ships and from automated activities that require the
You can use the DD Form 1348 as a requisition,
six-part set.
follow-up, modifier, or cancellation request. You may
also use it as a request for tracer action on overdue parcel
Figure 4-1 is an example of a manually prepared
post shipments sent by insured, registered, or certified
requisition on a DD 1348.
mail. The form is available in two-, four-, and six-part
You should make the data entries on DD 1348
sets. All copies are the same except that the original copy
according to MILSTRIP. The following paragraphs
does not provide for unit or total price data.
describe the data entries.
The two-part form consists of two hard cards with
Data Block A (Send to) is for entering the Service
carbon between them. The two-part form is not for
Designator code, Unit Identification Code (UIC), name
requisitioning by afloat activities. However, you may
use it for requisition follow-up, modifier, and
and location of the activity to which the requisition is to
cancellation requests. You can also use it for tracer
be submitted. If you submit the requisition to a ship,
request on overdue parcel post shipments sent by
enter the service designator code, UIC, and hull number
insured, registered, or certified mail.
Refer to the Navy Comptroller Manual, NAVSO
The four-part form consists of two hard cards and
P-1 000-25, volume 2, chapter 5, for a listing of Unit
two paper copies with carbon between them. The
Identification Codes.
four-part form is for requisitioning from shore activities
Data Block B (Requisition is from) is for entering
and ships not requiring the six-part set.
the identification of the requisitioner. This information
The six part form consists of two hard cards and
includes the Service Designator Code, UIC, name, and
four paper copies with carbon between them. The
hull number (if applicable).