DD Form 1348-6
The DD Form 1348-6 is recommended for
requisitioning material that is not identified by a
National Stock Number (NSN) or NICN Supply
sources process this form manually, which usually
delays material delivery. You should make every effort
to cross part numbered items to stock numbers so you
can order the material on a DD 1348. The DD Form
1348-6 consist of two parts. The upper section includes
the same basic information contained on a DD Form
1348. The lower section has 10 data blocks for
additional information. Figure 4-3 illustrates a prepared
DD Form 1348-6 requisition. The following paragraphs
describe the entries in record positions of the DD
Use record positions 1-3 for entering the document
Use record positions 4-6 for entering the routing
Use record position 7 for entering the Media and
Status code.
Use record positions 8-22 for entering the
manufacturers code and part number. The
manufacturers code is also known as the Commercial
And Government Entity (CAGE) code. If the CAGE
and part number exceed 15 positions, enter them in data
block 1 of the Identification Data section. If only the
CAGE and part number are known, leave this field
blank. Enter the CAGE and part number in data block 1
of the Identification Data section.
Use record positions 23-24 for entering the unit of
Use record positions 25-29 for entering the
requested quantity.
Use record positions 30-35 for entering the service
designator and UIC of the chargeable activity.
Use record positions 36-39 for entering the Julian
Use record positions 40-43 for entering the serial
number of the request.
Use record position 44 for entering the Demand
Use record positions 45-50 for entering the
supplementary address. Enter the service designator
code and UIC of the activity or enter Y and local control
code. When desired, leave this field blank.
Use record position 51 for entering the Signal code.
Use record positions 52-53 for entering the Fund
Use record position 54 for entering the Distribution
code, if applicable; otherwise leave blank.
Use record positions 57-59 for entering the Project
code, if applicable.
Use record positions 60-61 for entering the priority
Use record positions 62-64 for entering the required
delivery date, if appropriate.
Use record positions 65-66 for entering the proper
Advice code or leave blank.
Use record positions 74-80 for entering the total
estimated price.
Use data block 1 for entering the CAGE and part
number of the item requested when they exceed the
number of characters in record positions 8-22. Leave
record positions 8-22 blank when data block 1 includes
the CAGE and part number entry.
Use data block 2 for entering the name of the
supplier of the item and its address if known.
Use data block 3 for entering the title, edition, and
page number of the manufacturers catalog that lists the
item requested.
Use data block 4 for entering the date of publication
from manufacturers catalog.
Use data block 5 for entering the name of the issuing
office and the number and date of any technical
publications that will help to identify the requested item.
Use data block 6 for entering the title, edition, and
page number of any technical manual that will help
identify the requested item.
Use data block 7 for entering the noun name of the
item requested.
Use data blocks 8 through 8b for entering a detailed
description of the requested item. This maybe the color,
size, or technical characteristics.
Use data block 9 for entering the noun name of the
part or equipment in which the requested item is used.
Use data blocks 9a through 9e for entering the
source of supply and the make, model, or series of the
part or equipment shown in block 9.