Use data block 10 for entering the ships name, hull
number, and mailing address.
Use data block 11 for entering additional
information that will help in positive identification of
the requested item. Enter the NICN under a typed,
Additional Item Data caption if there is a permanent
NICN for the material. To effect procurement, enter the
complete line of accounting data (from NAVSO
P-3013), name, rank and signature of the supply officer.
DD Form 1149
Use DD Form 1149 (fig. 4-4) for procuring only the
material that is not included in MILSTRIP. You can use
it to requisition repairs or rentals of labor-saving devices
and repairs of other equipage items. You can also use it
for dry cleaning or renovation services when prescribed
by the supply source or repair facility. When use of the
DD Form 1149 is appropriate, it will be in a single page
and prepared by typewriter or ball point pen. The
following paragraphs describe the format for preparing
DD Form 1149 for material (other than bulk petroleum)
and services.
Use data block 1 (From) for entering the service
designator and UIC of the requesting activity, including
the ships hull number.
Use data block 2 (To) for entering the service
designator, UIC, and name of the activity that will
provide the material or service.
Use data block 3 (Ship to-Mark for) for entering
the words supply officer and the name and hull
number of the requesting ship. Also enter the point of
delivery (FPO address) in this field.
Use data block 4 (Appropriation and Subhead) for
entering the complete line of accounting data from
NAVSO P-3013.
Use data block 5 (Requisition date) for entering the
calendar date (day, month, and year) the requisition is
Use data block 6 (Requisition number) for entering
the service designator, UIC, and Julian date. Do not
enter the requisition serial number in this field. Assign
an individual serial number for each line item listed in
data block (b).
Use data block 7 (Date material required) for
entering the calendar date of required delivery of
material or completion of service.
Use data block 8 (Priority) for entering the two-digit
priority designator.
Use data block 9 (Authority or Purpose) for entering
the authoritative reference that applies to the
procurement of specific material or service when
available. Leave this field blank when information is not
Use data block 10 (Signature) for entering the name,
ram and signature of the supply officer.
Leave data block (a) (Item number) blank.
Use data block (b) for entering the Federal stock
number, description, and coding of requested material
or service. Enter the requisition serial number in the left
margin of the printed caption of block (b). Under the
caption, enter the serial number for each item requested.
Following the serial number, enter adequate
identification of each item.
Use data block (c) for entering the unit of issue. Use
the abbreviated code from Appendix A23 of NAVSUP
P437 when request is for material. Use EA if request is
for service.
Use data block (d) for entering the quantity
requested. Enter 1 in this block if the request is for
Figure 4-3 is a sample format of a DD Form 1149
that was prepared for material and services. Refer to
NAVSUP P-485 and P-567 for a sample format of a DD
Form 1149 that was prepared for buying bulk petroleum.
Purchase is the method used forgetting material or
services not available in the supply system. The
NAVSUPINST 4200.85 provides instructions and
guidance concerning purchase or procurement of
material from commercial suppliers.
Small purchase means an acquisition of supplies
and nonpersonal services for ,000 or less. The
process for open market requirements of more than
,000 is through formal contracting procedures.
Chapter 1, enclosure 2, of NAVSUPINST 4200.85
describes the procedures used for small purchases. The
preferred sources of supply are government activities.
You can use open market purchases only when required
items are not available from mandatory government
sources of supplies. These sources are as follows:
Department of Defense/Federal Supply System
for material with NSN
Excess personal property from other agencies
Federal Prison Industries