attach a commercial invoice to copy 1) to the disbursing
activity shown in the block titled Agency Name and
Billing Address.
l Copy 4 is sent to the appropriate fiscal office for
recording of obligations.
Because SF 44 is highly pilferable, it is controlled
by serial number. Refer to enclosure 2, chapter 5, of
NAVSUPINST 4200.85 (series) for a sample SF 44.
The purpose of a requisition status is to inform the
requisitioner of the action being taken on their requests.
Keeping an up-to-date status on all requisitions is part
of the monitoring functions of an AK. Requisition status
gives you the information needed for making decisions
in the applicable job. For example, if the requested item
is not available for issue, a similar item may be
cannibalized from other equipment to fill the
requirement. On the other hand, if the item is available,
other unnecessary effort can be prevented. The
following text covers the procedures for maintaining the
status on requisitions.
Supply activities provide requisition status based on
the Media and Status code of the request. The Media and
Status code occupies record position 7 of the requisition.
Appendix A6 of NAVSUP P-437 provides a list of
Media and Status codes that you may use.
Exception Status
There are several situations that stock points use as
a basis for providing an exception status. They are one,
or any combination of, the following decisions made by
a stock point.
Material obligation
Procurement for direct delivery
Change to unit of issue, stock number, or
cognizance symbol
Requisition rejected for specific cause
Referral order
Cancellation acknowledgement
l Any other circumstances that says the material
will not be issued within the time frame
established for the priority of the requisition.
100% Supply Status
The 100% supply status provides information on
every action taken by the supply system on the
requisition. It includes release of material for shipment,
but not the mode of shipment and bill of lading number.
The stock point provides 100% supply status for
requisitions, depending on the Media and Status code
Shipment Status
The shipment status consists of data on the actual
shipment of material. It includes the date and mode of
shipment, transportation control or bill of lading
number, and date available for shipment.
There are two types of formats for furnishing supply
status. The first type is a standard format used to provide
most types of status information. The second is a
specific format used when the material is being
purchased for direct delivery to the requisitioner or
supplementary address.
Standard Format
The requisition status provided in standard format
will have document identifier (DI) AE followed by a
number or letter. The following paragraphs describe the
data elements of status in standard format.
The record positions 1-3 contain the document
identifier. Appendix A4 of NAVSUP P-437 provides a
list of these document identifiers.
The record positions 4-6 contain the routing
identifier of the activity furnishing the status. See
Appendix A10 of NAVSUP P-437 for a list of routing
The record position 7 contains the Media and Status
code from the requisition.
The record positions 8-22 contain the NSN NICN
or part number of the item. This field will include the
CAGE and first 10 characters of the part number (if the
part number has more than 10 characters).
The record positions 23-24 contain the current unit
of issue.