utility hydraulic system. It can also limit the use of all
available utility system pressure for the operation of the
primary flight controls or prevent fluid loss during flight
when damage to the utility system has occurred. This
valve is sometimes referred to as a priority valve and
normally has three modes or conditions of operation.
control system pressure normal, switch in the landing
position, solenoid deenergized, and the pilot ball on
its lower seat, blocking the return port of the flight
control system.
See Figure 7-27, View A. In this
condition, the pressure of the flight control system is
allowed to act upon the lower working area of the
poppet, moving it upward off its seat and compressing
the poppet spring. This action will allow the fluid of
the utility system to flow downstream from the
location of the valves to the landing gear, flaps, speed
brakes, etc.
system pressure normal, switch in the flight position,
solenoid energized, and the pilot ball on its upper seat,
preventing the pressure of the flight control system from
working on the lower working area to the poppet. See
Figure 7-27, View B. In this condition the return port of the
flight system is open. The poppet spring will move the
poppet onto its seat, preventing the fluid fron the utility
system from flowing downstream from the location of the
valve. This allows all available fluid to be directed to the
components of the utility section, such as the ailerions,
rudder, stabilizer, spoilers, of the flight control subsystem.
Failure of the flight control hydraulic system. The
flight control system pressureis 0 psi, and the utility
system pressure is normal. During this condition, the
poppet will remain on its seat, because the pressure of
the flight control system is not available to work on
the lower working area of the poppet to move it up to
open the valve. See Figure 7-27 View C.
Failure of the electrical system to the electro-
hydraulic shutoff valve. The pressures of the flight control
and utility systems are normal, and there is no electrical
power to the solenoid In this conditon, the solenoid cannot
be energized, the polit ball will remain on its lower seat, and
the pressure of the flight control system will work on the
lower working area. This holds the poppet of its seat and
allows the pressure of the utility systems to flow
downstream from the location of the valves.
Manual Shutoff Valves
Manual shutoff valves may be used as tire wall
shutoff valves as well as subsystem shutoff valves.
Some aircraft have a manual fire wall shutoff valve
operated by cable linkage.
Some aircraft use the needle-type shutoff valve in
their landing gear and bomb bay systems. This
needle-type valve consists of a handle, stem and
valve, and body. Turning the handle in a clockwise
direction places the valve on its seat within the body,
stopping the flow of fluid.
These shutoff valves are used during maintenance
to shut off hydraulic fluid to the subsystems, thus
allowing maintenance personnel to work safely in the
wheelwell and bomb bay areas. Also, by closing the
particular valve a desired amount, the speed of the
operating unit can be controlled to aid in observing
the sequence and full operation of the components
being operated.
Hydraulic fluid coolers are used in some
hydraulic systems for the purpose of lowering the
temperature of the fluid within the system lines, thus
preventing inadvertent overboard dumping of fluid
from the reservoir due to thermal expansion. Fluid
coolers are installed in systems in which the
temperature of the fluid is likely to exceed the
maximum allowable limit.
According to the military specifications for
aircraft hydraulic systems, 400°F is the maximum
allowable temperature for any type of hydraulic
system. In some systems, this temperature might be
exceeded without some means of cooling the fluid.
Several types of fluid coolers are used on naval
aircraft. The most common is the radiator type, in
which both the hydraulic fluid and engine fuel flow
separately through the cooling unit. Another radiator
type uses ram air in flight and an electric blower while
on the ground to produce an air source as a cooling
Radiator Types
Radiator-type fluid coders are also called heat
exchangers and fluid coolers, as well as radiators.
Their principles of operation are the same; however,
the manner in which they obtain their objective may
On some aircraft, the radiator is a welded
aluminum assembly with two semicylindrical and
baffled hydraulic fluid chambers with multiple pencil
diameter size tubes, which direct and contain fuel
flow through the individual hydraulic chambers. The
radiator is so constructed to prevent mixing of engine
fuel with hydraulic fluid and one hydraulic system
fluid with the other. As fuel flows through the
radiator tubes, heat energy is transferred from the
hydraulic fluid to the engine fuel prior to hydraulic
fluid entry into the hydraulic reservoir.
Figure 7-28 shows the cooling radiator used to
cool two hydraulic systems; moreover, it has a fuel
filter incorporated that filters the fuel supplied to the