Figure 5-20.—Hose twist.Figure 5-22.—Hose clamp mounting.inspection light into one end and visually inspect fromthe opposite end using a small, angled, dental-typemirror. Inspect for any separation of covers or braidsfrom inner tube, or from adjacent covers or braids.Look for flaring or fraying of braid. Look for blisters,bubbles, or bulging. Inspect for corrosion. A hosethat has carbon steel wire braid is subject to corrosion,which may be detected as brownish rust colorationpenetrating the outer braid.Inspect end fittings for proper type and size,corrosion and cleanliness, nicks, scratches, or otherdamage to the finish that affects corrosion resistance.Look for damage to threaded areas, damage tocone-seat sealing surfaces damage to flange fittings,warping of flange, and for nicks or scratches on thesealing surface or gasket.Installation ProceduresRemove the protective closures from hydrauliclines, hose, or hose assemblies. When possible,install hose or hose assemblies so that identificationmarkings are visible. Install hose or hose assemblieswithout twisting, chafing, or overbending (fig. 5-20).Observe bend radius in table 5-8. Greaterbend-radius is preferred where possible. Install hoseor hose assemblies with a slight bow or slack tocompensate for contraction pressure on the line(fig. 5-21).Figure 5-21.—Hose slack.When connecting hose or hose assemblies to anengine or an engine-mounted accessory, provide 1 1/2inches of slack or a suitable bend between the lastpoint of support and the engine or accessoryattachment. Fingertighten swivel connector nuts toavoid stripping threaded areas of fittings. Beforeapplying final torque to end fittings, make sure hoseTable 5-9.—Swivel Nut Installation Torque (Inch-Pound) forFlared and Flareless FittingsHOSESTEELALUMINUMSIZEMINMAXMINMAX27585203039510525354135145506551701907090621524511013084304702302601062068033036012855945460500161140126064070020152016808009002419002100800900322660294018002000NOTE:Torque values based on lubricationwith fluid MIL-H-5606 orMIL-H-83282 prior to installation.5-26
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