instruments before using the test stand. To operate
the hose burst test stand (CGS Scientific), follow the
procedures listed below.
Before you perform the following preliminary
adjustments, ensure that the air and electrical systems
are energized. Check the reservoir oil level. If the
reservoir is not full, add hydraulic oil. Make sure that
the manifold bypass valve is closed. Open the
manifold bleed valve. Make sure that the air booster
inlet valve is closed. Make sure that the high-pressure
air bleed valve is closed. Set the air pressure regula-
tor for minimum pressure (fully counterclockwise).
Turn on the gauge shutoff valve. Set red follower
needles on the gauges to zero.
Installing Hose Lines For Test
For the hydraulic testing of hoses, take the
following actions.
Open the Plexiglas door on the
hydraulic test chamber. Remove the plugs from the
manifold ports. Select the proper size adapters for the
hose lines being tested, and install them in the
manifold ports. Connect the hose lines to be tested
between the two manifolds. Close the hinged door at
the top of the test chamber.
NOTE: The distance between the manifolds
is adjustable for various hose lengths.
Loosen the thumbscrews that secure the rear
manifold and slide it backward or forward on
the tracks to obtain the desired distance.
For the pneumatic testing of hoses, take the
following actions.
Unlock the two side bolts that
secure the pneumatic chamber in the retracted
position. Pull out the chamber to the extended
position and secure it with the two slide bolts.
Unlatch and open the two doors at the top of the
pneumatic chamber. Open the hinged screens inside
the chamber. Select a suitable adapter and connect
the hose to be tested to the connection in the chamber.
Use a suitable plug to seal the opposite end of the test
hose. Close the hinged screens. Close and lock the
two doors at the top of the chamber.
Test Procedures
Hose lines should be tested in accordance with the
applicable military specification.
Each hose
specification gives proof test pressures and other
pertinent data for that particular type of hose.
Perform hydraulic testing as follows: Make all the
preliminary adjustments and install the test hoses as
described previously. Turn the selector valve to the
oil boost pump position.
Turn on the air supply
shutoff valve. Slowly open the air pressure regulator
until air-free oil passes through the fluid flow sight
gauge; then close the manifold bleed valve. Increase
the pressure on the test hoses to the specified value by
adjusting the air pressure regulator until the desired
pressure is indicated on the high-pressure oil gauges.
If pressure will exceed 2,000 psi, turn off
the gauge shutoff valve. This shuts off the
pressure to the 0-2,000 psi high-pressure oil
gauge. Continue to read the 0-20,000 psi
gauge. The test hoses may be observed
through the Plexiglas window in the test
chamber door while under test pressure.
The pressure may be increased during test
by adjustment of the air pressure regulator.
To perform pneumatic testing, proceed as follows.
Make all the preliminary adjustments and install the
test hoses as described previously. Turn on the air
booster inlet valve. Make sure that the air booster
shutoff valve is turned on. Turn the selector valve to
the air boost pump position. Turn on the air supply
shutoff valve. Increase the pressure on the test hose
by adjusting the air pressure regulator until the
desired pressure is indicated on the high-pressure air
Keep the test hose at test pressure for 2
minutes before turning on the water
shutoff valve. A ruptured test hose, with
water in the pneumatic chamber, could
cause injury to personnel.
Turn on the water shutoff valve and fill to the
level inside the test chamber. Observe the test hose
for air leaks through the shatterproof glass windows at
the top of the test chamber. Air bubbles rising in the
water indicate a leaking hose or fitting. When you
complete the hydraulic test, stop the operation of the
test stand. Adjust the air pressure regulator for a zero
reading on the regulated air pressure gauge. Shut the
air supply shutoff valve. Open the manifold bypass
valve. When the high-pressure oil gauge indicates a