Figure 2-45.Typical O-ring installation and removal tools.
thinners, moisture, strong drafts, or ozone (form of
oxygen formed from an electrical discharge).
Damage by exposure is magnified when rubber is
under tension, compression, or stress.
There are several conditions to be avoided, which
include the following:
. Deformation as a result of improper stacking of
parts and storage containers
. Creasing caused by a force applied to corners
and edges, and by squeezing between boxes and
storage containers
. Compression and flattening, as a result of
storage under heavy parts
. Punctures caused by staples used to attach
. Deformation and contamination due to hanging
the O-rings from nails or pegs
O-rings should be kept in their original envelopes,
which provide preservation, protection, identification,
and cure date. Contamination is caused by piercing
the sealed envelopes to store O-rings on rods, nails, or
wire hanging devices. Contamination may be caused
by fluids leaking from parts stored above and adjacent
to O-ring surfaces. Contamination can also be caused
by adhesive tapes applied directly to O-ring surfaces.
A torn O-ring package should be secured with a
pressure-sensitive, moistureproof tape, but the tape
must not contact the O-ring surfaces. O-rings should
be arranged so the older seals are used first.
Removal and Installation
The successful operation of a hydraulic system and
the units within depends greatly upon the methods and
procedures used in handling and installing hydraulic
seals. These seals are comparatively soft and should not
be subjected to any nicks, scratches, or dents. They
should be kept free of dirt and foreign matter and should
not be exposed to extreme weather conditions. When
hydraulic seals are chosen for installation, they should
not be picked up with sharp instruments, and the
preservative should not be removed until they are ready
for installation.
During the installation or removal of hydraulic
seals, as well as other tasks, your best friend is the
correct tool. A variety of these tools may be used on
any given job.
Suggestions for fabricating typical
tools for use in replacing and installing O-rings and
backup rings are shown in figure 2-45. These tools
should be fabricated from soft metal such as brass and