4-19. What component on the NACES protects
the occupant in the event of rapid
1 . Static lanyard
2 . Spring loaded withdrawal plunger
3 9 Shoulder harness reel
4 a Shoulder harness strap quadrant
4-20. Which of the following is a charac-
teristic of the PRDM?
1 . Has a cylindrical body
2 8 Has a gas operated secondary
3 . Is a sealed unit
4 . Each of the above
4-21. The PRDM primary cartridge is fired
by what means?
1 . Mechanically
2 . Ballistically
3 . Electrically
4 * Gas
4-22. The PRDM can be initiated by which of
the following means?
1 . Electronic sequencer
2 . Manual override system
3 0 Restraint release unit
4 I Each of the above
4-23. The parachute withdrawal line is
attached to the PDRM by what means?
1 . By scissor mechanism
2 * By a bolt and lock nut
3 . By a sliding stirrup
4 . By a spring-loaded quick release
4-24. The electronic sequencer is mounted
on the NACES at what point?
1 * Across the mainbeam assembly
behind the seat bucket
2 . Across the mainbeam assembly
above the main parachute
3 8 Across the mainbeam assembly
below the main parachute
4 . Across the mainbeam assemblys
lower aft end
4-25. Upon activation, the electronic
sequencer determines the mode of
ejection and supplies power to the
start switches?
1 . True
2 a False
4-26. Which of the following is a function
of the barostatic release unit
impulse cartridge?
1 6 Provides the necessary gas for
the restraint release assembly
2 . Provides the necessary gas
pressure to retract the capsule
3 . Provides the necessary gas to
prevent mechanical initiation
4-27. What component of the barostat
assembly prevents the delay
mechanism from operating at
altitudes in excess of barostat
1 . Quick release pin
2 . Bellows device unit
3 . Peg engagement mechanism
4 . Diaphragm assembly