ABOAviators breathing oxygen.
ACMAir-cycle machine.
ACSAir-conditioning system.
ADCAir data computer.
AFCAirframes change.
AIMDAircraft intermediate maintenance
ALLOYA metal that is a mixture of two or
more metals.
AMBIENTSurrounding; adjacent to; next
to. For example, ambient conditions are physical
conditions of the immediate area such as ambient
temperature, ambient humidity, ambient pressure,
ANAir ForceNavy (standard or specifica-
ANOXIAA complete lack of oxygen in the
blood stream.
APUAuxiliary power unit.
BITBuilt in tester.
BLEED AIRHot, high-pressure air, taken
from the compressor section of a jet engine.
CADCartridge and cartridge-actuated
CAUTIONAn operating procedure, prac-
tice, etc., that if not strictly observed could result
in damage to or destruction of equipment.
CDICollateral duty inspector.
CELSIUSA temperature scale using 0 as the
freezing point of water and 100 as the boiling
point. The scale has 100 equal divisions between
the 0 and 100 with each division designated a
degree. A reading is usually written in an
abbreviated form; e.g., 75°C. This scale was
formerly known as the centigrade scale, but it was
renamed in recognition of Anders Celsius, the
Swedish astronomer who devised the scale.
CF3BrThe chemical symbol for trifluoro-
CNOChief of Naval Operations.
CONTAMINANTAn impurity such as
harmful foreign matter in a fluid.
EIEngineering investigation.
FCDCFlexible confined detonating cord.
FLSCFlexible linear shaped charge.
GPMgallons per minute.
IMAIntermediate maintenance activity.
IPBIllustrated parts breakdown.
JULIAN DATEThe year and numerical day
of the year identified by four numeric characters.
The first character indicates the year and the
remaining three characters specify the day of the
year. For example, 3030 indicates the 30th day
of 1983.
KINKEDA twist or curl, as in cable, wire,
or tubing, caused by its doubling or bending upon
LOXLiquid oxygen.