test set power switch to ON. Position the
ALTITUDE x 1000 FEET control between 7 and
8. The altitude feet indication should increase to
approximately 7750. You may have to vary the
altitude trim control to obtain 7750 on the altitude
feet indicator. Remove the A/AS arming key. The
A/AS plunger should remain extended.
8. Use the pull tool to extend the plunger and
install the arming key. Set the ALTITUDE x 1000
FEET control between 6 and 7. Vary the altitude
trim control to obtain 6250 on the altitude feet
indicator. The arming key should release with a
pull of 6 to 16 pounds of force and the A/AS
plunger should retract.
9. Again, you should use the pull tool to
extend the plunger and reinstall the arming key.
Position the altitude control to zero. After the
altitude feet indication decreases to the set value,
position the test set power switch to OFF. Rotate
the static pressure vent and pitot pressure vent
controls full counterclockwise.
10. Remove the manifold assembly from the
A/AS and disconnect it from the test set.
Disconnect the static pressure hose from the test
set. Disconnect the power source and remove the
test set.
If the A/AS passes the functional check, you
may install it on the seat. If the A/AS is faulty,
you should forward it to depot-level maintenance
for repair.
The manufacturers of the Stencel ejection seat
have stated that the seat is corrosion resistant.
Therefore, on the special 40-day corrosion
inspection, the SJU-8/A ejection seat has no
inspection requirements. But we know that
during shipboard operation, the seat will come in
contact with salt spray, jet exhausts, stack gases,
and various other debris. Although the seat is not
addressed in the 40-day MRCs, it should be main-
tained in accordance with the NA 01- lA-509 and
local squadron instructions. The NA 01-l A-509
states that ejection seats should have a 7-day
inspection performed while at sea and a 14-day
inspection when ashore.
You should ensure that oils, greases, pre-
servatives, cleaning solutions, and solvents do not
enter enclosed mechanisms, cartridge chambers,
and ballistic hose and tube assemblies or come in
contact with cartridges or initiators. You should
cap all open ports during corrosion maintenance.
All lubricants must be applied sparingly, and you
must exercise care to protect nylon and cotton
fabrics from contamination. Indiscriminant use
of paint and preservatives that dry and build up
with repeated or excessive application will often
result in restricted movement of parts. This can
easily render affected seats useless for ejection
The following lubricants and procedures
should be used on the Stencel ejection seat as
stated in the NA 01- lA-509.
1. Lubricating oil, VV-L-800, should be
applied to all parts that rotate, such as bell cranks,
levers, pins, rollers, and similar components.
2. Grease, MIL-G-81322 or MIL-G-23827,
should be applied to all parts that slide and should
also be used as a corrosion preventive for all bright
metal parts.
3. Apply MIL-C-85054 by brush or swab to
all unpainted, nonmoving parts, such as nuts and
bolts, that do not require lubrication.
4. Cleaning solvent and lubricants may be
applied with brush or cloth providing adequate
care is taken to prevent entry into closed
5. Surface contaminants such as dried
lubricants, dirt, grit, or corrosion products can
be removed from intricate bell cranks and levers
by scrubbing with a small nylon bristle brush
using P-D-680, Type II, cleaning solvent. Follow
the cleaning solvent with a light coat of VV-L-800
oil to the entire component or assembly.
The following emergency cleaning procedures
should be used for cleaning ejection seats exposed
to gross amounts of salt water or fire-
extinguishing agents. The procedures described
are normally used only to prevent further damage
and will usually require further treatment at a
higher level of maintenance.
Disarm ejection seat mechanisms before
cleaning. Only authorized personnel should
disarm seats and perform cleaning
1. Remove parachutes, drogue parachutes
where applicable, and seat pans. These items