Up to approximately 35,000 feet, an aviator
can keep sufficient oxygen in his/her lungs to
permit normal activity by use of oxygen
equipment that supplies oxygen upon demand
(inhalation). The oxygen received by the body on
each inhalation is diluted with decreasing amounts
of air up to approximately 33,000 feet. Above
33,000 feet and up to approximately 35,000 feet,
this equipment provides 100-percent oxygen. At
approximately 35,000 feet, inhalation through the
DEMAND oxygen system alone will NOT provide
enough oxygen.
Above 35,000 feet and up to about 43,000 feet,
normal activity is only possible by use of
PRESSURE DEMAND equipment. This equip-
ment consists of a supercharger arrangement
by which oxygen is supplied to the mask under
a pressure slightly higher than that of the
surrounding atmosphere. Upon inhalation,
oxygen is forced (pressured) into the mask by the
system. Upon exhalation the oxygen pressure is
shut off automatically so that carbon dioxide can
be expelled from the mask. Above 43,000 feet,
the only adequate provision for the safety of the
aviator is pressurization of the entire body.
Aviators breathing oxygen (MIL-0-2721OD)
is supplied in two typestype I and type II. Type
I is gaseous oxygen and type II is liquid oxygen.
Oxygen procured under this specification is
required to be 99.5 percent pure. The water vapor
content must not be more than 0.02 milligrams
per liter when tested at 21.1°C (70°F) and at sea-
level pressure.
Technical oxygen, both gaseous and liquid, is
procured under specification BB-O-925A. The
moisture content of technical oxygen is not as
rigidly controlled as is breathing oxygen;
therefore, the technical grade should never be used
in aircraft oxygen systems.
The extremely low moisture content required
of breathing oxygen is not to avoid physical
injury to the body, but to ensure proper operation
of the oxygen system. Air containing a high
percentage of moisture can be breathed in-
definitely without any serious ill effects. The
moisture affects the aircraft oxygen system in the
small orifices and passages in the regulator.
Freezing temperatures can clog the system with
ice and prevent oxygen from reaching the user.
Therefore, extreme precautions must be taken to
safeguard against the hazards of water vapor in
oxygen systems.
Oxygen, in its natural state, is a colorless,
odorless, and tasteless gas. Oxygen is considered
to be the most important of all the elements to
life. It forms about 21 percent of the atmosphere
by volume and 23 percent by weight. The
remainder of the atmosphere consists of nitrogen
(78 percent) and inert gases (1 percent), of which
argon is the most abundant.
Of all the elements in our environment,
oxygen is the most plentiful. It makes up nearly
one-half of the earths crust and approximately
one-fifth of the air we breathe.
Oxygen combines with most of the other
elements. The combining of an element with
oxygen is called oxidation. Combustion is simply
rapid oxidation. In almost all oxidations, heat is
given off. In combustion, the heat is given off so
rapidly it does not have time to be carried away;
the temperature rises extremely high, and a flame
Some examples of slow oxidation are rusting
of iron, drying of paints, and the change of
alcohol into vinegar. Even fuels in storage are
slowly oxidized, the heat usually being rapidly
carried away. However, when the heat cannot
easily escape, the temperature will rise and a fire
may break out. This fire is the result of
spontaneous combustion.
Oxygen does not burn, but it does support
combustion. Nitrogen neither burns nor supports
combustion. Therefore, combustible materials
burn more readily and more vigorously in oxygen
than in air, since air is composed of about 78
percent nitrogen by volume and only about 21
percent oxygen.
In addition to existing as a gas, oxygen can
exist as a liquid and as a solid. Liquid oxygen is
pale blue in color. It flows like water, and weighs
9.52 pounds per gallon.
A decrease in the amount of oxygen per unit
volume of air results in an insufficient amount
of oxygen entering the bloodstream. The body
reacts to this condition rapidly. This deficit in
oxygen is called HYPOXIA. When the body
regains its normal oxygen supply, one may recover
from hypoxia. A complete lack of oxygen, which
results in permanent physical damage or death,
is called ANOXIA.