6. SMDC and FCDC assemblies that do not
pass inspection must be replaced. Repair of
SMDC tubing is not permitted.
7. Proper clamp spacing (fig. 2-21) must
be maintained to prevent damage to SMDCs
due to vibration. Improper clamp spacing
may result in failure of the SMDC.
SMDC Clearance
Correct clearances must be maintained
between SMDCs, SMDC and adjacent structures,
and tubing and operating mechanisms. In-
sufficient clearances may result in damage to or
failure of the SMDC. You must ensure SMDCs
are installed with proper clearances as listed
1. Minimum required clearance between any
supported section of SMDC and the adjacent
structure is 1.00 inch.
2. Minimum required clearance between any
straight, unsupported section of SMDC and an
adjacent structure is 0.25 inch.
3. Minimum required clearance between any
two parallel SMDCs is 0.10 inch.
4. Minimum required clearance between any
two supported nonparallel SMDCs is 0.10 inch.
5. Minimum required clearance between any
two unsupported nonparallel SMDCs is 0.10 inch.
6. Minimum required clearance between any
supported section of SMDC and any operating
mechanism is 1.00 inch.
Figure 2-21.SMDC clamp spacing.