NIINNational item identification number.
NISNot in stock.
NMCSNot-mission-capable supply.
NOAPNavy Oil Analysis Program.
NSNNational Stock Number (13 digits).
NUMERIC SEQUENCEA sequence of numbers
beginning at the extreme left-hand position, from
left to right in ascending order, one position at a
time, until all digits have been considered.
NWPLNaval warfare publication library.
OICOfficer in charge.
OJTOn-the-job training.
OLEOSThe shiny part of actuating cylinders and
level maintenance.
OMAOrganizational maintenance activity.
OMDOperations maintenance department.
OPNAVOffice of the Chief of Naval Operations.
OPNAVINSTOffice of the Chief of Naval Opera-
tions instruction.
OUTUSOutside continental limits United States.
PEBPre-expended bin.
PI SUFFIXPublication identifier suffix.
PMPeriodic maintenance.
PMCSPartial mission capable supply.
PMEPrecision measuring equipment.
PMICPeriodic maintenance information card.
PMSPlanned maintenance system.
PON-6Preoiler portable, handcarried hand pump
with a 3-gallon capacity.
PQSPersonnel qualification standard.
PRAircrew Survival Equipmentman.
PSIPosition-sensitive indicator.
PUCPermanent Unit Code.
QAQuality assurance.
QA/AQuality assurance/analysis.
QARQuality assurance representative.
RACRapid action change.
RAMECRapid action minor engineering change.
RATRam air turbine.
RFIReady for issue.
RTVRoom temperature vulcanizing.
SCCSequence control chart/card.
SCIRSubsystem capability impact reporting.
SDLMStandard depotlevel maintenance.
SESupport equipment.
SEAOPDETSea operational detachment.
SERVMARTService market.
SIMService instruction manual.
SIMsService instruction manuals.
SM&RSource, maintenance and recoverability.
SPEC DWGSpecification control drawing
SRAShop replaceable assembly.
SRCScheduled removal component.
SRC CARDScheduled Removal Component
Card, OPNAV 4790/28A. All components
with maximum operating hours assigned
(high-time items) must be accompanied by an
SRC card.
SRMStructural repair manual.
SRSSupply response section.
SSCSupply support center.
SSCCStandard Subject Classification Code.
SUBJ SERIALSubject serial number.
SWPSubordinate work package.
TATTurnaround time.
TCPTool Control Program.
TCPLTool control plan.
TDTechnical directive.
TDCTechnical directive compliance.