system. All components are rigidly mounted in a steel
tubular framework.
Fluid Service Unit Model HSU-1
The hydraulic fluid service unit, Model HSU-1, is
shown in figure 5-11. It has a fluid-holding capacity
of 3 gallons. This unit accepts a standard l-gallon
container, and it contains an integral 2-gallon reservoir
assembly. The HSU-1 has a replaceable, 3-micron,
disposable filter incorporated to ensure delivery of
contamination-free fluid.
Figure 5-10.Preoiler PON-6.
The 2-gallon reservoir assembly (along with a
hand pump assembly) is mounted to a cast aluminum
base. The lower can piercer is mounted on top of the
reservoir and allows fluid to flow from the installed
l-gallon container into the reservoir, automatically
replenishing it. A sight gauge indicates the fluid
level of the reservoir. It reads from 0 to 2 gallons in
l/4-gallon increments. An indicated level of 2
gallons or less means that the l-gallon container is
empty and can be removed for replacement. A
capped deaeration port is located on top of the
reservoir to permit bleeding the air from the pump
and output hose.
Figure 5-11.Fluid service unit, Model HSU-1.