Figure 2-7.Typical work package task information.
The usefulness of technical manuals directly
relates to how effectively the information reflects the
system or equipment configuration and the depth and
scope of maintenance data. Changes to equipment
occur to improve either mission or maintenance
capabilities. Technical manuals must reflect these
changes. Technical manuals are updated by two
methodschanges and revisions.
A change to a technical manual is the official
release of new or correction pages to a part or portion
of an existing document. It consists of replacement
change pages for the area of the manual affected by the
change action. Upon issue, the recipient removes the
superseded pages and inserts the new pages. This
action is required for paper manuals only.
A revision is the complete reissue of a replacement
manual the change information incorporated.
A revision normally takes place when more than 60
percent of the pages are affected by a single change or
accumulated changes. A WP consisting of 10 pages or
less will always be revised.
Types of Publication Changes
Changes are authorized and issued on an as
required basis to periodically update equipment
configuration, maintenance concepts, or procedural
direction. Changes are also initiated to correct
user-detected errors, improve verbiage, or incorporate
a better way. These types of changes usually result
from fleet input through the Technical Publication
Deficiency Report (TPDR) System (explained later in
this chapter). Changes are issued as either routine or
rapid action changes (RACs).
A routine change is issued through normal update
processes, and is released periodically.
A rapid action change is an expedited change
action. It is programmed for short turnaround and
release because of possible relationship to safety,
equipment damage, or danger to personnel.