Table 17-10.Activity Classifications
COLUMN A, Enter the NALC of the item for the
transaction being reported. Column A is a mandatory
entry. When more than one NALC is being reported,
they should be listed alphabetically.
COLUMN B. Enter the quantity on hand as of the
last report concerning the item. This quantity is
obtained from the sum of column L and column M of
the previous report.
COLUMN C. Enter the total number of units
received from all sources. This includes receipts moved
from one activity classification to another classification,
ammunition held more than 7 days for FFT to another
activity, and gains by inventory (GBI).
COLUMN D. Enter the total number of units
transferred (issued) for custody to another activity, or
intra-activity transfers from one activity classification
to another. With the exception of lightweight torpedoes,
this column does not concern issues to aircraft
squadrons. Assets transferred to a non-Navy activity are
reported in column K.
COLUMN E. Enter expenditures in support of
combat operations or against a hostile target. This
includes ammunition jettisoned by an aircraft for the
purpose of landing during a combat mission.
COLUMN F. Enter expenditures for training. This
includes combat readiness assessment exercises and
operational readiness inspections.
COLUMN G. Enter expenditure of material for test
and evaluation purposes.