What is meant by the term unserviceable
What is the purpose of requisition lead times?
Aircraft squadrons afloat submit their
requisitions to what department?
transaction reporting procedures and describe
the various types of transaction reports, the
procedures to be followed when preparing the
ammunition master stock record card, and the
ammunition lot/location card.
Reports of ammunition transactions form the basis
for maintenance of the CAIMS data file. This file, in
turn, is the sole source of asset and expenditure
information for ammunition logistics management. The
high cost and limited availability of many munitions
create a need at all command levels for continuous,
intensive, and careful management of ammunition.
This can only be done if the CAIMS data file is current
and reliable. Therefore, it is very important for
individual reports of ammunition transactions to be
accurately prepared and forwarded in a timely manner.
Ammunition reports are normally forwarded by routine
message and NOT by speedletter or naval letter.
The ammunition transaction report (ATR) is
prepared in a message format, as prescribed by
NOCINST 8010.2 (series), and transmitted electrically.
The message report consists of 7 paragraphs.
Paragraphs 1 through 5 identify the number of
transactions being reported, the serial number of the
report, UIC of the reporting activity, the Action Class
Code (ACC) of the reporting activity, and the date of the
transaction respectively.
Paragraph 6 provides specific information on the
type of transaction, type of material, quantity of material
involved in the transactions, on-hand assets of the
material, and other data pertinent to the transaction.
This section may contain one or more lines. Each line
corresponds to a single transaction involving one type
of material. All reportable transactions should be
included in this paragraph, whether or not the items are
included in paragraph 7 of the report.
Paragraph 7 is for remarks concerning weapon
serial numbers and other explanatory data, as required.
Report Frequency
Whenever an ammunition transaction occurs
(transfer, receipt, expenditure, reclassification), an ATR
should be submitted within 24 hours. Normally, reports
are submitted daily at the end of the flying day.
Occasionally, during certain tactical operations, the
command restricts message transmissions to those that
directly affect a particular operation. This restriction is
called MINIMIZE. Transmission of ammunition
transaction reports during MINIMIZE is authorized
There are exceptions to submitting ammunition
transactions within 24 hours. Ammunition onloaded or
off-loaded by AE/AOE/AOR/AOJ/CV class ships in
excess of 500 short tons is reportable within 2 days.
Ammunition received by a ship or shore activity for
further transfer (FFT) to another ship or shore activity
is not reportable, providing it is transferred to the
ultimate consignee within 7 days. Ammunition
received FFT and held for more than 7 days must be
reported as being received. In the remarks paragraph
indicate RCVD FM (issuing activity) FFT (consignee).
When the subsequent issue is completed, an offsetting
report of the issue must be made. Ammunition
transferred to an activity FFT to another activity must
be reported as an issue. In the remarks paragraph show
ISSUED TO (receiving activity) FFT (ultimate
Ammunition Transaction Report Format
ROUTINE precedence is normally assigned to an
ammunition transaction report. However, higher
precedence can be assigned when authorized by proper
authority. A transaction report is classified only when
the data contained in paragraph 6 or 7 of the report is
classified. Paragraphs 1 through 5 are always
A report that contains data in paragraph 6 on
complete-round missiles, rockets, or torpedoes is
CONFIDENTIAL. These reports should be
declassified 6 years after the date-time group of the
ammunition transaction report. This should be typed on
the ATR at the left-hand margin on the first line after the
last line of text as follows: DECL (enter day, month,
and year for declassification).
When paragraph 6 contains data on mines or mine
components, the ATR must be classified according to
OPNAVINSTS5513.7 (series). When data on complete
onloads or off-loads is contained in paragraph 6, the