changed. To do this, a MILSTRIP modifier document
is submitted as follows:
For material to be delivered within CONUS. Use
document identifier AMA when the requisition or the
latest status contains an NSN. Use AMD when the
requisition or latest status contains a DODAC. Use
AME when the requisition or latest status contains either
an NSN or a DODAC, and contains remarks.
For material to be delivered outside CONUS.
Use document identifier AM1 when the requisition or
latest status contains an NSN. Use AM4 when the
requisition or latest status contains a DODAC. Use
AM5 when the requisition or latest status contains either
an NSN or a DODAC, and contains remarks.
Enter the new Media and Status code, priority
and/or RDD. These are the only data elements of a
requisition that can be modified by this procedure.
Repeat all other MILSTRIP data as entered on the latest
status document received or on the original requisition
when no status has been received.
For a requisition held by a weapons station, air
station, NOC or NAVMINEGRFAC. Submit the
MILSTRIP modifier by DAAS to the holder with an
information copy to CINCLANTFLT.
For a requisition held by ARRCOM or an Army
ammunition activity. Submit a MILSTRIP modifier by
DAAS to NOC with an information copy to
CINCLANTFLT. Use routing identifier NCB.
For a requisition held by COMNAVAIRSYS-
MILSTRIP modifier by naval message to the holder,
Send an information copy to CINCLANTFLT, and use
the subject line AMMO MILSTRIP MODIFIER.
the item requisitioned, the requisitioner must cancel the
old MILSTRIP requisition and submit a new MILSTRIP
for the material desired. To increase the quantity
requisitioned, the requisitioner must submit anew requisi-
tion for the additional quantity required. To decrease
the quantity requisitioned, the requisitioner must submit
a MILSTRIP cancellation request only for the quantity
no longer required. By doing this, the uncancelled
balance remains active and no lead time is lost.
tion can be canceled by the requisitioner, the
supplementary addressee, or CINCLANTFLT (as
monitoring activity) when the requirement for the
material no longer exists. The requisition can also be
canceled when the ship is scheduled to deploy before
the material is expected to be received, and shipment
outside CONUS is not desired.
A MILSTRIP request for cancellation should be
prepared by duplicating the latest status or, if no status
has been received, the original requisition with the
following exceptions:
Use document identifier AC1.
Use the routing identifier of the last known
holder of the requisition.
Enter the quantity to be canceled in the quantity
Ammunition supply activities that receive a
requisition cancellation request are required by
MILSTRIP to provide the requisitioner, supplementary
addressee, and CINCLANTFLT with either a
cancellation confirmation or shipment status (if the
material has already been shipped) within 5 days after
receipt of the AC1 document.
If confirmation of the cancellation or shipment
status is not received within 10 days after submitting the
cancellation request, you should take immediate
follow-up action. The follow-up document must use
document identifier AK1 and be prepared and submitted
in the same format as the cancellation request.
Fleet units are required to cancel all outstanding
requisitions upon departure for deployment. Shore
activities review all outstanding requisitions annually
and determine whether the material was received or is
still required. Requisitions for material not received and
no longer required are canceled. Requisitions must be
resubmitted for materials that are still required.
Procedures for turn in of ammunition, ammunition
details, and the procedures for temporary storage and
custody ashore are discussed in this section. It is
impractical to cover every procedure for every con-
ceivable ammunition item. Therefore, the discussion is
limited to the more routine procedures. Regardless of
the particular type of ammunition or ammunition details
you are turning in, NAVSEA OP 4 and NAVSEA OP 5,
volume 1, requires that all inert components, details, and
cartridge cases be inspected and certified that the
containers are inert. It is extremely important that you
strictly adhere to these regulations. It is imperative that
all applicable personnel be thoroughly familiar with the
procedures required for inspection, certification, and
marking of empty or inert items.