ADK-362/A/B/M32K-5(V) Multiple
Weapon Adapter
The ADK-362/A/B/M32K-5(V) multiple weapon
adapter (fig. 9-46) consists of a 10-inch support
assembly, two 15-inch support assemblies, two weapon
cradle adapter assemblies, two MER/TER (female) rails
and two MER (male) rails. The A model added an F- 14
aircraft weapon rail capability. The B model modified
the weapon cradle for cost reduction purposes. These
assemblies and rails are used in various combinations
on the MHK-128/M32K-5(V) munitions transporter. It
can be fitted with a drawbar, which lets you use the
transporter with any one of six munitions handling
The ADK-384/M32K-5(V) space
adapter provides an interface between the ADK-362
adapter and the Aero 21C weapon skid.
Various configurations of the ADK-362/A/B/
M32K-5(V) multiple weapon adapter can carry stores
that have different lengths, diameters, and weights. The
physical data are listed in table 9-3. The single-weapon
configuration is used for hard-shell and soft-shell
weapons up to 24 inches in diameter. The two-weapon
configuration is for 13-inch to 14-inch diameter
Its low-frame structure enables a
two-weapon set to be positioned under the low wing
stations of an aircraft. The three-weapon configuration
is arranged in either a low-position or a high-position
assembly. The low-position assembly holds weapons
up to 10 3/4 inches in diameter. The high-position
assembly is for weapons larger than 10 3/4 inches in
diameter. The multiweapon configuration (fig. 9-47)
can carry six weapons from 9 to 16 inches in diameter
or four weapons from 9 to 18 3/4 inches in diameter.
ADU-400/E Weapon Skid Loading Lift Adapter
The ADU-400/E weapon skid loading lift adapter
(fig. 9-48) consists of a hydraulically controlled steel lift
Figure 9-46.ADK-362/A/B/M32K-5(V) multiple weapon adapter.