palletized unit loads. The beam is designed for coupling
with cargo hoisting assembly Mk 20 Mod 0, and
normally it is used with adjustable pallet slings for
making the transfer.
The ADU-399/E guided missile hoisting beam (fig.
9-16) is an aluminum weldment that consists of a beam
supported on forklift channels and structural members.
These components form the base assembly.
Rubber-lined cradles mounted fore and aft on the beam
prevent metal-to-metal contact. The cradles have side
supports held in position by quick-release pins. When
you are loading or unloading the beam, remove the
quick-release pins to let the side supports swing down
out of the way.
There are two adjustable tubular
extenders on the fore end of the beam that support a
vinyl-covered housing.
The housing protects the
weapons radome.
Quick-release pins secure the
extenders to the beam and the radome protector to the
extenders. There are cable hoists mounted on the base
assembly and held in the hoisting position by
quick-release pins. When the pins are removed, the
hoists swing down and forward into the stowed position.
The ADU-399/E guided missile hoisting beam is
used for ground support handling of the Phoenix missile
during aircraft loading/unloading operations. This
beam may be used in conjunction with the HLU-196B/E
bomb hoist, the A/M32K-1A/1B/1C SATS loader, or the
ADU400/E weapon skid loading adapter.
Figure 9-16.ADU-399/E guided missile hoisting beam.