The HLU-288/E bomb hoist (fig. 9-23) consists of
a gear train, drum and cable, brake mechanism, fishing
pole type of extension tube, a rachet crank, and a brake
crank. The cable drum rotates in the direction opposite
to that of the cranks. The rachet crank is used to help
hoist the load, and it can be disengaged from the gear
train by latching the rachet pawl. The brake crank is
used to hoist and lower the load. After a load is lifted,
a clutch-type brake locks the gear train.
The HLU-288/E bomb hoist is used with single
hoist ordnance loading system (SHOLS) adapters to
load various weapons onto a variety of aircraft. The
hoist can use a short or long cable for loading onto
wings, fuselage, and bomb bay stations. The
HLU-288/E replaces the Aero 14C bomb hoist, which
is obsolete.
The HLU-196B/E bomb hoisting unit (fig. 9-24) is
a lightweight, portable, gasoline, engine-driven unit. It
consists of a gasoline engine, speed-reducing gearbox
and brake, and a cable assembly and storage drum that
incorporates a clutch and a boom. All components and
controls are mounted on a two-wheeled frame assembly.
The entire unit weighs 75 pounds. It has a direct,
single-cable lift capacity of 2,000 pounds. A
double-cable lift capacity of 4,000 pounds is obtainable
by using various trolleys and rack adapters that are
available. You can extend the cable by disengaging the
clutch and manually pulling it until the necessary length
is withdrawn. To reel the cable in, you must start the
engine, engage the clutch, and carefully throttle the
engine to control the reel-in speed of the cable.
Maximum reel-in speed of the cable is 15 feet per
The HLU-196B/E unit is used to single or, by the
use of various trolleys and adapters, double hoist various
weapons and stores.
Hoisting bands are used to encircle a load and
provide a means for attaching hoisting equipment or
Figure 9-23.HLU-288/E bomb hoist.