Figure 9-34.MHK-128/M32K-5(V) munitions transporter.
skid. Each adapter section has two removable rubber
One set of Aero 58A skid adapters has an SWL of
rollers supporting the weapon. These rollers are
5,000 pounds. It holds a single weapon up to 30.5 inches
adjustable from one to six positions to accommodate
in diameter. This adapter can also be used with the
weapons of different diameters. Nylon straps hold the
MHU-125/E platform skid, MHU-126/M munitions
weapon in place.
trailer, and the MHK-128/M32K-5 munitions transporter.
Figure 9-35.Aero 58A skid adapter mounted on an Aero 21C weapon skid.