(fig. 1-17) is the number of burst height ranges and the
type of plastic employed in the nose cone. The sensing
elements are not classified as a fuze because they do not
contain an explosive train. They must be used with an
impact tail fuze. The impact fuze provides the explosive
train and safety for the combination. The sensing
element can be activated by either an electrical signal or
via the withdrawal of an arming wire from the striker
rod release mechanism. Presently, the only method used
for activation is mechanical. The sensing elements
employ a longitudinal loop antenna (fig. 1-18). The
burst height range is between 100 feet and 160 feet for
the HI setting and between 20 feet and 60 feet for the
LO setting. The M20A1 has only one range (equal to
the M20 LO setting).
The FMU-140/B (fig. 1-19) has an optional arm
and fire (timer) mode. It is used with the rockeye II
Figure 1-17.M2O and M20A1 sensing element proximity
Figure 1-18.M2O and M20A1 sensing element antenna
Figure 1-19.FMU-14O/B dispenser proximity fuze.