individual bombs are listed in fig 1-20. The basicdifference between the bombs listed in fig 1-20is their size and weight. The following descriptionof the Mk 80 (series) bomb is applicable to allbombs within the Mk 80 (series) unless otherwisenoted.SHIPPING CONFIGURATIONThe bomb body (fig. 1-21) is shipped with a plasticplug installed in the nose and tail fuze well to preventdamage to the internal threads and to keep outmoisture. The aft end of the bomb body has ametal shipping cap installed. Plastic lug caps areinstalled in the suspension lug wells, and a plastic plugis installed in the fuze charging receptacle well. Somebombs contain a hoisting lug packaged in the tail fuzewell.Bombs are shipped on metal pallets. Thenumber of bombs loaded on each pallet depends onthe bomb size. For example, six Mk 82 bombs canbe shipped on a pallet, three Mk 83 bombs can beshipped on a pallet, and two Mk 84 bombs can beshipped on a pallet.Refer to Airborne WeaponsA1.A2.A3.A4.A5.A6.A7.Packaging/Handling/Stowage, NAVAIR 11-120A-1.1or appropriate MIL-STD for more information onshipping configurations.FUZE WELLSThe bomb body is designed with a nose and tail fuzewell. These wells are internally threaded to receiveeither mechanical or electric fuzes.FUZE CHARGING CIRCUITThe forward and aft charging tubes are installedat the factory and contain the electric fuze wireharness. When electric fuzing is used, the wireharness provides a path for the charging current fromthe fuze charging receptacle to the forward and aft fuzewells.SUSPENSION LUGSThere are two suspension lug wells for theinstallation of suspension lugs. The suspension lugs arespaced 14 or 30 inches apart, depending upon the sizeREVIEW NUMBER 5 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Q1. THROUGH Q7.All electric capability for Mk 80 with either conical or retarding fins, thermallyprotected bombs, and laser-guided bombs is provided by Mk344andMk376electricbombfuzes.No unusual RADHAZ precautions taken when using Mk 344 or Mk 376 fuzesbecause they are classified as HEROSAFE.The Mk376electricfuze is used for retarded delivery of the Mk 80 (series) bomb.The functions of the Mk 31 safety device are toadaptthefuzetothefuzewellofthebomb.mechanicallysafethefuzeandtounlockthetimer-decelerometer.The Mk 122 Mod 0 arming safety switch isusedtoopenacircuitandprovideaRADHAZshieldtopreventelectromagneticradiationfromenteringthefuzecircuits.The Mk 43 Mod 0 target detecting device is used toprovideairburstcapabilityforelectricallyfuzedMk80bombs.Athermalbattery,initiatedbya+300voltsdcorstrikerrod,is used to power theinternal circuitry of the TDD.1-24
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