blue. Identification nomenclature is stenciled in white
letters on the bomb body.
The bomb can use signal cartridge Mk 4 Mod 3, or
CXU-3A/B. While handling or transporting bombs,
loaders should avoid placing their bodies in line with
either end of the bomb.
Full-scale practice bombs have the same
dimensions, weight factor, and configuration abilities as
the service bombs they simulate. The bombs are filled
with inert material to obtain the proper weight.
The full-scale practice bombs (fig. 1-43) currently
in use are in the Mk 80 (series). They include the
Mk 82, Mk 83, and Mk 84 LDGP bombs. These bombs
are assigned a different NALC than their service
counterpart to differentiate between inert and service
bombs when requisitioning them through the supply
system. They can be configured with the same bomb
components (fuzes, fins, lugs, and so forth) that are used
to configure service bombs. However, if the use of fuzes
is not desired, a Mk 89 Mod 0 bomb spotting charge
adapter can be installed in the tail fuze well of the
practice bomb to provide visual observation of
weapon/target impact.
The Mk 80 (series) inert LDGP bombs are painted
blue. The new Mk 80 (series) inert LDGP bombs have
an olive-drab colored exterior and are thermally
protected, but they can be distinguished from service
Figure 1-43.BDU-45/B practice bomb.