Figure 4-7.Mk 45 Mod 0 aircraft parachute flare with drogue tray.
(fig. 4-7) is used to dispenser launch the flare.
toggle. A force of 18 to 35 pounds pulls the internal
Normally, the drogue tray is configured to the flare at
disconnect completely out of the fuze mechanism,
the time of manufacture. The drogue tray is a
allowing the spring-loaded striker to strike the primer.
quarter-round, lightweight, aluminum channel with
The primer ignites a fixed, 2-second delay element and
perpendicular ends. The fuze end has an attachment tab
drives the plunger into the ejection time-delay fuze at a
and a circular opening to allow for flare fuze setting. It
point determined by the selected setting. After 2
is attached to the safety clip by a lanyard. The opposite
seconds, the delay element ignites black powder in the
end is solid and has a red plastic seal that acts as a
plunger. Ignition is transferred through a perforation in
pressure seal for dispenser ejection cartridge gases.
the plunger to the time-delay fuze. After the preset
Flares and trays are loaded into the dispenser as a unit.
delay, the fuze ignites the expellant. The expellant
Regardless of launch method, the flare is initiated
forces off the aluminum end cap and expels the candle
by exerting pull on the lanyard. When the lanyard is
and the parachute assembly from the flare case with
pulled, it snaps the safety clip from its position over the
considerable force.
Navy pyrotechnic devices contain combustible chemicals.
Dye-marking devices are classified as pyrotechnic devices because they are used
for about the same purpose as the true pyrotechnic.
Orange smoke is emitted from the Mk 13 Mod 0 marine smoke and illumination
marker when it is used during the day.
The burning time for each end of the Mk 13 Mod 0 signal is 20 seconds.
You can identify the night end of the Mk 13 Mod 0 signal by the three prominent
beads across its face.
The components of the Mk 79 Mod 0 illumination signal kit include the Mk 31
Mod 0 signal projector, a plastic bandoleer, and an instruction sheet.
When you activate the Mk 79 Mod 0 signal kit, the star is propelled upward to a
height of 250 to 650 feet.
The burn time of the Mk 79 Mod 0 star is a minimum of 4 1/2 seconds.